Patriot Park Master Plan Improvements
Project Details
Project Information
Madison Parks will begin implementing the recently adopted Patriot Park Master Plan. Planned improvements for 2019 include installing a park path and council ring.
These improvements were requested by the neighborhood as part of the Patriot Park Master Plan engagement process.
As part of this work, we will also be removing the debris piles that have been anonymously dumped on the property along the path edge.
Removal of the debris piles, and installation of the path and council ring work will require removing existing trees. Tree removal will be limited to approximately 30' from the edge of the path and will include removal of several small invasive box elders, as well as 11 trees between 6-12" in diameter. The 11 trees between 6-12” in diameter planned for removal include the following:
- (4) Acer negundo (boxelder) between 6” – 12” in diameter, invasive
- (6) Populus deltoides (cottonwood) less than 12” in diameter, invasive
- (1) Ulmus rubra (red elm) 7” in diameter, invasive and regulated by the DNR
Construction of the the asphalt path is anticipated to begin in September and be completed by the end of October - weather depending. The Contract has until June 2020 to complete various park paving projects included in this contract, of which, Patriot Park is included.