Reindahl Park Master Plan Update
Project Details
Project Information
The Reindahl Park Master Plan Update was unanimously approved by the Board of Park Commissioners on January 11, 2023.
The City of Madison Parks Division is updating the Master Plan for Reindahl Park. The update process will review existing park uses and amenities as well as identify future improvements. The master plan update will also take into consideration the location of Madison Public Library's Imagination Center within the park. Visit the Madison Public Library's Imagination Center at Reindahl Park page and the Imagination Center at Reindahl Park Project Page for more information.
Reindahl Park consists of 90.74 acres and is a community park. Community parks are typically greater than 20 acres and focus on meeting community-based recreation needs, as well as preserving unique landscapes and open spaces.
Parks staff has held three public input meetings and completed an online survey to gather input from the community on the future of Reindahl Park.
Board of Park Commissioners Meetings
The Reindahl Park Master Plan Update is included on the November 9, 2022 agenda as an informational item.
The Reindahl Park Master Plan Update is included on the January 11, 2023 agenda as an action item.
Public Meeting #3
A public meeting was held on October 27, 2022 at East Madison Community Center. Parks staff presented background information about the master plan process, provided a summary of public input, and shared the draft park master plan, vision, and goals. Attendees shared input with staff during a public comment period.
Reindahl Park Public Meeting #3 Presentation Slides
Summary of Comments Received at Public Meeting #3
Public Meeting #2
A public meeting was held on October 6, 2022 at East Madison Community Center. Parks staff presented background information about the master plan process, provided a summary of public input, and shared the draft park master plan, vision, and goals. Attendees shared input with staff during a public comment period.
Reindahl Park Public Meeting #2 Presentation Slides
Reindahl Park Draft Master Plan
Summary of Comments Received at Public Meeting #2
Public Meeting #1
A public meeting was held on August 30, 2022 at the East Madison Community Center. Parks staff presented background information about the master plan process, provided a summary of survey responses, and received input from attendees via a public comment period. Attendees also provided input through an exercise of placing dots as "votes" for park features, park vision themes, and park strategies.
Reindahl Park Public Meeting #1 Presentation Slides
Dot Exercise Board Photos
Public Input
Public Survey
A public survey was completed to provide feedback regarding the opportunities and constraints at Reindahl Park. Below is a summary of the feedback received. Please contact the Madison Parks Division if you wish to receive survey response information.
- Question #1: Finish the sentence. I visit Reindahl Park to...
- Common Responses:
- Play or Watch Soccer
- Walk/Run/Bike
- Trees/Nature
- Play
- Use the Splashpad
- Pickleball/Tennis
- Garden
- Common Responses:
- Question #2: What are some general themes you would like to see represented in the future vision for Reindahl Park?
- Common Responses:
- Maintaining the number of Soccer and Cricket fields as well as a desire for permanent restrooms close to fields.
- A Better, inclusive, and diverse playground.
- A Community Building or Library
- Want more pickleball striped courts or pickleball-only courts.
- Residents want more natural areas instead of mowed turf. Wildflowers bring pollinators close to the gardens. Trees for shade everywhere, but specifically mentioned for near cricket/soccer fields.
- Want additional paths in and around the perimeter of the park
- Would like increased cleanliness and to feel safer in the park
- Common Responses:
- Question #3: What are the current strengths of Reindahl Park?
- Common Responses:
- The large amount of space and trees
- The Splashpad
- The Soccer fields
- Bus Access
- Community Gardens
- Variety of Amenities
- Common Responses:
- Question #4: What are the current weaknesses of Reindahl Park?
- Common Responses:
- Safety concerns, particularly around the shelter and restrooms
- Feel the park is not well maintained and the playground is old and run down
- Think the park is underutilized and has limited activities
- Concerns about trees being taken down
- The gravel road to the gardens
- Access issues from surrounding areas due to the high volume roads of East Washington Ave. and Portage Rd.
- Condition and design of the existing shelter
- Common Responses:
- Question #5: What opportunities exist to improve Reindahl Park?
- Common Responses:
- Desire for the existing shelter to be replaced. Some responses specifically called for a library facility
- Want for more amenities close to the soccer fields, including a potential shelter with restroom facilities
- More trees to provide shade
- Upgrades to the playground
- More paths
- Better access
- Better utilization of the space
- More events held at the park
- Common Responses:
- Question #6: What concerns do you have regarding the future planning for Reindahl Park?
- Common Responses:
- Losing field space
- Tree loss
- Ability of the Parks Division to maintain potential new amenities after they are constructed
- Safety in the park
- Potential library facility
- Public participation process
- Common Responses:
- Question #7: What are important considerations for Madison Parks to keep in mind as part of this planning process?
- Common Responses:
- Racial equity and the inclusion of all cultures
- Inclusive public input process
- Youth soccer groups are entirely dependent on fields at this location
- Tuj Lub is a desired amenity in Madison
- Expansion of the community garden is wanted
- Desire to maintain a naturalized parkland setting with more trees and native wildflowers
- Safe access for everyone and safety within the park.
- Common Responses:
- Question #8: Are you a member of an organized club or group that uses athletic facility space at Reindahl Park? If yes, please specify which club or group.
- Yes: 25% (Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Wisconsin Wombats)
- No: 75%
- Question #9: Is your child a member of an organized club or group that uses athletic facility space at Reindahl Park? If yes, please specify which club or group.
- Yes:45% (Soccer)
- No: 55%
Friends of Reindahl Environs (FORE) Master Plan Ideas
The Friends of Reindahl Environs (FORE) has shared a document outlining their ideas for the Master Plan update at Reindahl Park. Please follow the link below if you wish to view the document.
FORE Ideas for the Master Plan Revision
Stakeholder Meetings
In late September 2022, Parks met individually with park stakeholders. Information gathered from those meetings can be found at the link below.
Stakeholder Meeting Summaries
Additional Information
Scope of a Master Plan
What is the scope and purpose of a master plan?
- It is a 15 to 25-year document to guide development and management of the park
- It graphically depicts the recreational opportunities at the park
- It provides the general location of the various activities and infrastructure needs
- It provides the general location for roads, trails and parking lots
- It delineates general land management practices and locates them in the park
- What it does not do:
- Provide future exact locations of trees to be planted, or call out species for future tree planting
- Provide details on the future of any specific existing tree or shrub
- Provide details on the design, fit or finish of proposed buildings or recreation amenities
- Provide details and exact dimensions or surface materials for trails, roads and parking lots
The updated master plan is not a planting plan or a land management plan. In short, the master plan is closer to a concept plan than a set of design development drawings or a construction plan set. It will provide the public and Parks staff with guidance as to the long term plans for the park and assist Parks with its yearly capital improvements planning.
Public Meetings
At the first public meeting (August 30) we will:
- Review the info gathered via the survey, review the list provided in 2020 by the Friends of Reindahl Environs (FORE)
- Discuss Guiding Principles for the plan and for the short, median and long term management of Reindahl Park
- Draft/gather ideas for a Vision Statement
- Draft 3 to 6 strategic goals that can measure if we have met our vision statement
Draft master plan update information will then be shared with a variety of park users, including but not limited to the FORE group, the soccer/ultimate group(s), community gardeners, cricket club, etc. This will take place at a series of one-on-one meetings with the stakeholders in September of 2022. Parks will gather and record comments on the draft materials.
Park will then host a second public meeting. At the second public meeting (sometime in early Oct) we will:
- Review the master plan update graphic
- Review the:
- Draft Vision
- Draft Guiding Principles
- Draft Strategic Goals
- Draft Management Objectives
- Comments and concerns brought to our attention at the stakeholder meetings
Parks will then return to the office to address all of the concerns and comments. Parks will draft the Master Plan Update graphic and planning memo. The planning memo will contain background information, as well at the final vision statement, guiding principles, strategic goals, and management objectives.
This material will be presented at a final public meeting to be held in late October of 2022. The master plan update will then go before the BPC in November of 2022 and January of 2023.