Rennebohm Park (East) Tennis Courts Reconstruction

May 2, 2024 Update

Unfortunately the rebid of the contract (under 9526) resulted in a single bid received & opened on 4/25/24 that was substantially over the available budget.  Parks opted not to award the contract and is re-examining the project scope and other work within the capital improvement program to determine next steps.

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Project Details

  • Location

    • 115 N Eau Claire Ave, Rennebohm Park
      Madison, WI 53705
  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 11

Project Information

Parks is working to rebuild the east set of tennis courts at Rennebohm Park - demolition of the old courts occurred in spring 2024.  Construction of new courts is now planned for summer 2025.

An excavator is shown moving broken pieces of the asphalt tennis courts at Rennebohm Park
Image credit: Kate Kane/Parks
Demolition underway at Rennebohm Park east tennis courts on 3-20-2024


The west set of tennis courts (dating to 1976) were rebuilt under Public Works contract 9179 in 2023 and the east set of courts will be given the same treatment, beginning with demolition in mid-March.  A contract to construct new courts (to include the addition of court lighting, dual striping for tennis & pickleball and accessible path connections) will be bid in spring 2024 for construction in summer 2024.


A community information meeting to discuss both projects was held on March 10, 2022 online via Zoom.  At this meeting City staff presented information on the maintenance history of the courts, existing conditions and limiting factors and proposed reconstruction of both courts, work to rebuild the set and an anticipated timeline.  Information from the session, including the presentation and a summary of the questions and answers (including those received prior to the session) can be found at the links, below.

Summary from the community input meeting:  Rennebohm Park Tennis Courts Reconstruction
March 10, 2022 at 6:00PM online via Zoom
Please note: the meeting was not recorded.

All questions and comments regarding this project should be directed to Project Manager Corey Stelljes at or (608) 266-6518.

The existing courts at the park were originally constructed in 1976 (west side) and 1981 (east side) and were rebuilt by mill & overlay in 1990.  Following the rebuilding, each set of courts has received, to date, six rounds of crack repair & resurfacing with diminishing returns following each round of repair.  The fencing at the courts is also in poor condition - and lacks accessibility features at the doorway entries.  Parks has received frequent requests over the years to improve the condition of both sets of courts and to provide lighting at the east set from user groups and individuals. Funding requests for both projects were included as part of Parks's capital budget for 2022 and 2024.

Project Updates

May 2, 2024 Update

Unfortunately the rebid of the contract (under 9526) resulted in a single bid received & opened on 4/25/24 that was substantially over the available budget.  Parks opted not to award the contract and is re-examining the project scope and other work within the capital improvement program to determine next steps.

April 10, 2024 Update

The contract (9500) to construct the new pickleball/tennis courts and install lights on the east side received a single bid that was not opened on 4/4/2024.  Due to the single bid received, a determination was made through Public Works to rebid the project (under contract 9526) on 4/11/2024 & 4/18/2024, with a proposed opening date of 4/25/2024.  This will push the start of work back approximately 3 weeks, to mid June.  Work is anticipated to occur throughout the summer months and be completed in early fall.

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