Sunridge Park Grading Improvements
Project Details
Project Information
Parks Division is proposing to construct a stormwater diversion berm along the east boundary or Sunridge Park in 2022. The project will help divert stormwater from the park land to Hempstead Rd and away from the residential properties adjacent to the park.
The project will involve removal for approx 30 pine trees on park property in order to facilitate grading. Once tree removal is complete, Parks crews will construct an earth berm approx 1.5' high and 6' wide running north and south along the east edge of the park. A sidewalk flume will then be installed under the sidewalk on Hempstead Rd to allow water to run off the park and enter the street. The disturbed soil used to create the berm will then be seeded in a combination of turf grass and native prairie plantings.
Construction is expected to begin in September 2022 and be complete by the end of the year. Establishment of prairie plants and grass will take place in spring 2023.
An overview of the work and restoration plan can be seen below. All work will be completed by City Parks construction crews.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Corey Stelljes
Project Engineer
City of Madison Parks Division
(608) 266-6518