Vilas (Henry) Park Master Plan
Project Details
Project Information
The Final Master Plan for Vilas Park was presented at the Board of Park Commissioners at its March 10, 2021 meeting and was approved for adoption during the session
The meeting was recorded:
Watch the March 10, 2021 Board of Park Commissioners meeting
- Board of Park Commissioners 3-10-2021 Meeting Minutes
- Board of Park Commissioners 3-10-2021 Meeting Agenda
- Board of Park Commissioners 3-10-2021 Vilas Park Master Plan Presentation
MSA developed a Storymap offering additional information on the final master plan design and visual simulations - it can be accessed at: https://arcg.is/1L5uSf0.
The public comment period on the plan opened on 2/4/2021 and concluded 2/18/2021.

Phase III of the master plan project included the presentation and review of the Draft and Final Master Plans (information from these and all of the project meetings is posted at the links, below), and will include an introduction of the master plan report at the Board of Park Commissioners meeting in March!

Vilas Park Master Plan Meetings Summary
Community Partners Advisory / Resident Resource Group Joint Meeting 2-18-2021
Community Input Meeting #4; 2-4-2021
Community Input Meeting #4 to present the proposed Final Master Plan for Vilas Park was held online using Zoom Meetings and had over 130 registrants!
The purpose of the meeting was to introduce and discuss the Final Master Plan and to update attendees on the remaining steps in the project timeframe which include the process for review and approvals that a Final Master Plan Report will follow. The public comment period to respond to the Final Master Plan opened immediately following the meeting and will close on 2-18-2021. Those wishing to submit comments on the plan can direct them to VilasMasterPlan@cityofmadison.com
Board of Park Commissioners Informational Presentation of Draft Final Master Plan 1-13-2021
South Metropolitan Planning Council (SMPC) Informational Presentation 12-14-2020
The Draft Final Master Plan for Vilas Park will be reviewed and discussed at an informational presentation to the Council at its December meeting.
Clean Lakes Alliance - Yahara Lakes 101 Informational Presentation 12-9-2020
Parks Superintendent Eric Knepp together with staff from MSA Professional Services, Inc. presented the Draft Final Master Plan at the Yahara Lakes 101 Lake Science Cafe
Urban Design Commission (UDC) Informational Presentation 12-2-2020
At the recommendation of the staff liaison to UDC, the project team made an informational presentation on the Draft Final Vilas Park Master Plan at the Commission's December meeting.
Vilas Park Master Plan Phase I & II Public Engagement Benchmark Report October 2020
Community Input Meeting #3; 11-16-2020
Community Input Meeting #3 to present the Draft Final Master Plan for Vilas Park was held online using Zoom Meetings and had over 160 registrants!
The purpose of the meeting was to introduce and discuss the Draft Final Master Plan and to update attendees on the remaining steps in the project timeframe as well as to discuss the process for review and approvals that a Final Master Plan Report will follow. The public comment period to respond to the Draft Final Master Plan closed on 12-4-2020 - thanks to all who responded to the public comment survey and/or sent in comments to VilasMasterPlan@cityofmadison.com - survey results are posted, below.
- VPMP Community Input Meeting 3 agenda
- VPMP Community Input Meeting 3 presentation
- VPMP REVISED Updated Decision Matrix 2020-11-10 (PLEASE NOTE: following the CPAG/RRG meeting on 10/15/20, an error in the earlier version of the Decision Matrix describing agreements between the City and Dane Co for zoo parking has been removed - the original remains with the other items presented during that discussion, below)
- VPMP StoryMap can also be accessed at https://arcg.is/1fTuW5
- Draft Final Master Plan for Vilas Park
- VPMP Draft Final Master Plan survey results
Community Partners Advisory - Resident Resource Group Combined Meeting #4; 10-15-2020
- VPMP CPAG_RRG Combined Meeting Agenda
- VPMP DRAFT Master Plan
- VPMP DRAFT Master Plan Updated Decision Matrix
- VPMP CPAG_RRG Meeting 4 Presentation
- VPMP Before and After
- VPMP All Plans
- RRG_CPAG Questions_Answers
Development Assistance Team (DAT) Meeting 9-24-2020
Interagency Staff Meeting #6; 9-16-2020
Interagency Staff Meeting #5; 7-23-2020
Phase II of the Vilas Park Master Plan was completed in July 2020

Vilas Park Master Plan Phase II Meetings Summary
Community Input Meeting #2; 6-22-2020
Community Input Meeting #2 was held online using Zoom Meetings and had over 170 attendees! The purpose of the meeting was to introduce and discuss the three master plan concepts and to update attendees on the project timeframe and discuss the process for review and approvals that a draft final and eventually final master plan will follow. Additional materials from this session will be posted to this site as they become available. Attendees as well as those unable to attend or who were unaware of the meeting were encouraged to review the concepts (available at the links below this section) and complete the concepts survey which was available through July 12, 2020.
- Community Input Meeting #2 Agenda
- Community Input Meeting #2 Presentation
- Community Input Meeting #2 Introduction_Presentation Recording
- Community Input Meeting #2 Breakout Room A_Parking_Roadways Recording
- Community Input Meeting #2 Breakout Room B_General Discussion Recording
- Community Input Meeting #2 Breakout Room C_Open Space_Playgrounds_Lagoons Recording
Vilas Park Master Plan Concepts Survey (open 5-7-2020 to 7-12-2020)
Vilas Park Master Plan Concepts
Midvale - Lincoln Elementary Youth Engagement follow-up; 6-8-2020 to 6-15-2020
Students from Midvale-Lincoln Elementary School were asked to watch a short video and answer questions via online survey regarding their preferences for park amenities; MMSD faculty shared information in both Spanish and English with students from the schools, which are part of MMSD's Dual Language Instruction (DLI) program, as part of distance learning communications and over 70 students and families responded!
Board of Park Commissioners Project Update; 6-10-2020
- Board of Park Commissioners Meeting Agenda
- NOTE: this item was deferred to the July 10, 2020 meeting after having originally appeared on the 6/10/20 meeting agenda
- PLEASE NOTE: those wishing to view the items presented during the meeting must first register by finding the meeting at https://www.cityofmadison.com/city-hall/committees/meeting-schedule and then indicating a wish to speak
Staff Meeting with Access for Independence; 5-22-2020
Regulatory Meeting with US Army Corp of Engineers
Staff Meeting with The Ho-Chunk Nation; 5-14-2020
Interagency Staff Meeting #4; 4-27-2020
Community Partners Advisory - Resident Resource Group Combined Meeting #3; 4-24-2020
- VPMP Combined Meeting 3 agenda
- VPMP Combined Meeting 3 action items mtng 2
- VPMP Combined Meeting 3 presentation
- VPMP Combined Meeting 3 comment form
- VPMP Combined Meeting Notes
- VPMP Combined Meeting Chat Transcript
Interagency Staff Meeting #3; 2-13-2020
Board of Park Commissioners Project Update; 2-12-2020
Community Partners Advisory Group Meeting #2; 2-11-2020
- VPMP Community Partners Advisory Group Meeting 2 agenda
- VPMP Community Partners Advisory Group Meeting 2 presentation
- VPMP Community Partners Advisory Group Meeting Notes
Resident Resource Group Meeting #2; 2-10-2020
- VPMP Resident Resource Group Meeting 2 agenda
- VPMP Resident Resource Group Meeting 2 presentation
- VPMP Resident Resource Group Meeting 2 Notes
Youth Workshop #1 at Boys and Girls Club Dane Co.; 2-6-2020
- VPMP Youth Workshop 1 - agenda
- VPMP Youth Workshop 1 - presentation
- VPMP Youth Workshop 1 - exercises
- VPMP Youth Workshop 1 - context map
- VPMP Youth Workshop 1- findings
Phase I of the Vilas Park Master Plan was completed in December 2019
(NOTE: the Phase I Vilas Park Master Plan survey remained open through 1-31-2020)
Phase I Project Materials: Site Analysis, Neighborhood & Community Engagement can be found, below:

Vilas Park Master Plan Survey Results are in! Thanks to all who submitted responses (496 were received!) before the survey close date of 1-31-2020.
The full report is available at the link, below:
The Greenbush and Vilas Neighborhood Associations held meetings with their membership on 1-27-2020 and 1-22-2020, respectively, to obtain additional input on the project from residents of those neighborhoods. Summary information and from the meetings as well as survey results that were developed by the GNA and VNA that were shared with Parks are included, below:
- 2020-01-22 Vilas Neighborhood Association Meeting Notes
- VNA survey results
- 2020-01-31 Greenbush Neighborhood Association Meeting Notes - Survey Results
In addition to comments received via the Vilas Park Master Plan Survey, project email address and completed Comment Cards, Consultants MSA Professional Services, Inc. and subconsultant Urban Assets, LLC collected input during Phase I of the project via on-site intercept interviews with park users, meetings with City of Madison Planning, Engineering, Parks, Traffic Engineering and Metro staff; WiDNR staff; Army Corps of Engineers staff and engaging community members through Resident Resource Group, Community Partners Advisory Group and Focus Group sessions with Bayview Center and Badger Rock Community Center. Meeting notes and materials from these sessions can be found, below.
Resident Resource Group Meeting #1; 11-6-2019
- VPMP Resident Resource Group Meeting 1 - agenda
- VPMP Resident Resource Group - Topics
- VPMP Resident Resource Group - presentation
- VPMP Resident Resource Group Meeting 1 - notes
Meeting follow-up: As part of the Vilas Park master planning process, the Parks Department is seeking additional input from neighborhood associations and their residents. Members of the Resident Resource Group were asked to share the following information with their respective neighborhood associations and to return responses to the consultant team by January 31, 2020.
- Neighborhood Association Input Instructions
- Neighborhood Association Input
Interagency Staff Meeting #2; 10-23-2019
Focus Group Session #2; Bayview Center Senior Bingo Luncheon 9-25-2019
Community Partners Advisory Group Meeting #1; 9-23-2019
- VPMP Community Partners Advisory Group Meeting 1 - agenda
- VPMP Community Partners Advisory Group Meeting 1 - presentation
- VPMP Community Partners Advisory Group Meeting 1 - notes
Focus Group Session #1; Badger Rock Community Center 9-8-2019
Regulatory Meeting with US Army Corps of Engineers; 8-28-2019
- VPMP USACE Meeting 1 - agenda
- VPMP USACE Meeting 1 - presentation
- VPMP Project Area
- VPMP USACE Meeting 1 - notes
Regulatory/State Agency Staff Meeting with WiDNR; 8-26-2019
Interagency Staff Meeting #1; 7-24-2019
- VPMP Interagency Staff Meeting 1 - agenda
- VPMP Interagency Staff Meeting 1 - presentation
- VPMP Interagency Staff Meeting 1 - notes
Community Input Meeting #1; 6-26-2019
A Community Input Meeting was held at the start of the project to introduce the project team, timeframe, discuss goals and objectives and describe the process. Materials promoting that session are followed by the items that were presented, below.
- Vilas Park Master Plan Community Input Meeting Project Flyer
- Vilas Park Master Plan Community Input Meeting 1 Postcard
- Vilas Parks Master Plan Community Input Meeting 1 Agenda
- Open House Board - Community Input and the Vilas Park Master Plan
- Open House Board - What the Vilas Park Master Plan Will & Will Not Be
- Open House Board - Traffic Station
- Open House Board - Community Context
- Open House Board - Historic / Cultural Station
- Open House Board - Environmental Station
- Community Input Meeting 1 - Presentation
- Comment Board Photographs
- Comment Board Comments Compiled
- VPMP Community Input Meeting 1 notes (updated w/ analysis)
Project Objective
Throughout the master plan process, which is expected to continue through fall 2020, Parks will be asking for input on questions such as, “What do you love most about Vilas Park?”, “What would you change?” and, “How can the park best serve our whole community as Madison grows?”
The Vilas Park Master Plan will be a framework plan that will help to inform improvements at the park over the next 15-20 years. It will be a starting point for the development of future capital improvement projects that could add to, replace or improve amenities at the park including sport courts, playgrounds, fields, lagoons, beaches, parking, roadways, pedestrian paths and more! The plan document, along with a master plan report, will go through several stages of design driven by community input that will be reviewed by other city and county agency staff, working groups comprised of neighborhood, community and environmental affiliates, and eventually go to the Board of Park Commissioners for approval prior to being implemented.
The City of Madison Parks Division issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) through Finance/Purchasing in September 2018 to select a consultant team to begin the Vilas (Henry) Park Master Planning process in early 2019. Consistent with City of Madison Purchasing guidelines, the RFP was located on the Demandstar and VendorNet websites under the "Vilas Park Master Plan" title and was posted for 4 weeks, with proposals due on October 3, 2018. Following the submission deadline, the proposals (a total of six were received) were reviewed and scored by an interagency staff team and four of the proposals were selected to move forward to in-person interviews. MSA Professional Services, Inc., who assembled a team including Urban Assets, LLC and Quinn Evans Architects, received the highest score following the interview component and started on the project in late May 2019.
The master planning process for James Madison Park was greatly informative to Parks and its result, as well as lessons learned throughout the consultant selection process, public input meetings, and schematic and final design development phases helped to inform the Vilas (Henry) Park master plan RFP.
Prior to issuing the RFP, Parks worked with other city staff and a small group of citizen stakeholders to utilize the Racial Equity and Social Justice Initiative (RESJI) Tool to help to analyze and inform the public engagement process for the master plan efforts and to help to inform the selected consultant(s) with its findings. The results of the tool will be reviewed with the consultant selected through the RFP process.