Madison Senior Center's Blog

  • Summer in Wisconsin

    It might not seem like it now, but summer in Wisconsin can be quite hot and dry. It best to be prepared when you plan an outdoor outing. A hat, water bottle and sunscreen are basics to have with you when heading out the door. Depending on your…

  • Juneteenth

    On June 19th, people throughout the United States will observe a historic holiday known as Juneteenth. Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of enslaved Black and African American people in the United States. 

    Category: Events

  • My Phone Is Smarter Than I Am

    Most of us have experienced the feeling of being outsmarted by our phone, especially if you have lived long enough to remember how exciting it was to have a cordless phone. My second cordless phone could even get a signal in the yard.Learning how to…

  • Technology is Essential

    Technology has become ubiquitous in our daily lives, but you are not on your own to figure it out.

    Category: Know Your Resources, Technology & Finance, Volunteer View

  • Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month

    Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month is observed annually in May to celebrate the contributions that generations of AANHPI’s have made to American history, society and culture.

    Category: Entertainment & Enrichment

  • How to Spot a Parking Ticket Scam

    Watch out for this new twist on an old scam. Scammers are using technology to create fake parking tickets that look official. How the scam works You park in a legal parking zone, or pay to park on the street or in a ramp. While you are away from…

    Category: Know Your Resources

  • Happy New Year

    It's January 2024 - A new year, and a new beginning ...

    Category: Health & Wellness

  • Medicare Open Enrollment

    Medicare is the primary health plan for most people age 65 and older. Whether you are new to Medicare, or have been on it for years, it can be overwhelming. The rules, the exemptions, the deadlines, and the list goes on. Add to that figuring out…

    Category: Health & Wellness, Know Your Resources

  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. (DVAM.) Communities and advocacy organizations across the country connect with the public and one another throughout the month to raise awareness about the signs of abuse and ways to stop it, and to…

  • Fall Prevention Awareness Month

    September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month, which is an opportunity to assess your risk of falling and to take proactive steps to keep yourself safe. Falls are a major cause of unintentional death and injury, and they pose a significant threat to…

    Category: Health & Wellness

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