Invasive and Noxious Weeds Invasive Species This is a link to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources page for regulated species. Follow their control measure guidelines for these plants. Noxious Weeds Noxious weeds is a term applied to small set of prohibited weeds by City of Madison ordinance (MGO 23.29). You must destroy these weeds in a manner that will prevent them from blooming. JavaScript Required You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Please enable JavaScript and reload the page. If you cannot enable JavaScript, please contact to provide your information. Was this page helpful to you? Yes No Why or why not? Leave this field blank Brush & Yard Waste Report a missed collection Brush Collapsed Holiday Tree Collection Schedule Yard Waste & Leaves Expanded Home Composting Resources Invasive and Noxious Weeds Expanded Noxious Weeds Drop-off sites Brush Processing Center Collapsed Bulk Brush Processing Wood Mulch