1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

How to Pay the Fees

If the fee applies to your home, you can pay the fee for your items the following ways


Use the work order form for curbside items, or paying the fee for items coming to the drop-off site. A fee sticker will be mailed to you if the item is coming to the drop-off.


Call either 608-266-4681 or 608-246-4532 to make a payment over the phone.


Streets Division offices at 1501 W. Badger Rd. and 4602 Sycamore Ave. sell fee stickers. Offices are open 7:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.


Mail a check and include a note explaining what you are paying for with the check.

Make the check payable to City Treasurer. 

Mail the check to and letter to:

City of Madison Streets Division

1501 W Badger Rd

Madison, WI 53713

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