1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Request Recycling Service for Your Business

In order for your business to be eligible to receive recycling services from the Streets Division you will need:

  • Enough space on the terrace near your business to have recycling carts out for collection.
  • Be able to place all recyclables you make at your business into carts for each collection.
  • Be able to follow all recycling guidelines on what should be in the green recycling carts.
  • Be able to store the sufficient number of recycling carts for your business according to City of Madison rules enforced by Building Inspection
  • Be able to have the carts out on time for the scheduled collection days.

Applying for Recycling Collection for Businesses

If you believe your business can meet the eligibility requirements explained above, you can apply to receive recycling collection from the Streets Division.

A supervisor will evaluate your business to see if we can provide the service.

You will be contacted after the evaluation to let you know if you can receive our collection services or to let you know if you need to pursue a private recycling hauler.

Recycling is mandatory in Madison and throughout Wisconsin. You cannot opt out. Businesses who choose not to recycle can be fined by Building Inspection.

How to Apply

You have three options.  Choose the method that works best for you.  

Be sure you let us know the address of your business and how many carts you would like in your request.


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Trash & Recycling