Residential Efficiency Programs
Efficiency Navigator
The Efficiency Navigator is a city-sponsored initiative that provides free energy efficiency and other upgrades to small- and medium-sized multifamily housing. Participation is open to unsubsidized multifamily housing with rents that are affordable to households at or below 80% Area Median Income. Selected buildings receive free technical assistance and building upgrades such as efficient lighting; improved heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems; better insulation and air sealing; water softener optimization, tune-ups or replacement; water conserving fixtures; and recommendations to improve home health (e.g. reduce asthma triggers). Selected buildings must maintain rent at the fair market rate for at least five years. See the Efficiency Navigator website for more details and to apply.

Project Home
Project Home operates home weatherization services on behalf of the State of Wisconsin for Dane County and Green County. It offers rehabilitation programs on behalf of the City of Madison for single and multifamily residential buildings serving income-eligible Madisonians.
Multifamily Weatherization Assistance
Project Home will perform low to no cost weatherization for apartment buildings with four or more units and at least half of tenants qualify for the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP). Weatherization work may include air sealing and insulating attics, insulating exterior walls, reducing air leakage, repairing or replacing inefficient furnaces, or replacing inefficient refrigerators or freezers. Visit Project Home's website to see if your building qualifies for free to low cost energy upgrades.
Home Repair Assistance
Project Homes' Home Repair Assistance program provides low cost home repairs and accessibility modifications for qualified homeowners in the City of Madison. Financing options may differ depending on the improvement needs of the home. Visit the Project Home website to learn more.