Riding with Children


adult following child, both on bicycles and wearing helmets, headed along a path.

Biking with your children is great way to get out and explore Madison! Not only is it a fun and healthy activity, but spending time biking with your children is a great way to emphasize the importance of health and fitness. Teaching a child to ride a bike can make an invaluable contribution to their health and fitness which they can carry through to adulthood.

A Kid's Eye View

Hints for Parents

Children need a lot of training and practice to learn how to ride safely. The best way to teach your children safe bicycling skills is to ride with them. When appropriate, let them lead, so they get used to making decisions on their own. Remember, children learn by watching others, so be sure that you always bike responsibly and wear a helmet.

Safe Riding Tips

child with blue helmet learning to ride a bicycle with training wheels

waist up close-up of small child wearing pink helmet, riding a bicycle with adult arm stabilizing handlebars
close up of child's legs on a bicycle with training wheels
adult bicycle with attachment of additional wheeled kids "tailgate" bicycle creating third wheel
close up of a bicycle shadow
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