1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Bicycle Registration

Taking the time to register your bike can help should your bike ever be stolen. The City of Madison encourages everyone to register their bike to assist in the recovery and return of bicycles to their owners although there is no mandatory registration.

There are two primary national bicycle registration programs. Registering your bicycle is free, but if you would like to have a registration decal for you bicycle, you may purchase one from these companies after you register with them.

Basic Information You Will Need

  1. Serial Number: This is the most important identifying feature of your bicycle. It must be included for best results if your bicycle is stolen. This number is unique to the bicycle and is found on the bicycle's frame. See diagram to right for the most common serial number locations.
  2. Manufacturer: This name should be on the front of the bicycle's head tube. Examples are Schwinn, GT, Huffy, Trek.
  3. Model: This is the secondary name for the bicycle. Examples include Varsity, Mojave, Gulch, Ironman, 730.
diagram of a bicycle and where to find the serial number.

Expired City of Madison Bicycle Registration

On January 5th 2021, the City of Madison repealed their long-standing mandatory bicycle registration requirement. As of that date, you are no longer required to register your bicycle(s) with the City and the City is no longer accepting new bicycle registrations. The database of expired City of Madison Bicycle Registrations has been archived. If you need information from an expired registration, please contact the Pedestrian Bicycle Program.

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