1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.


The City of Madison is implementing wayfinding along shared-use paths and other bicycle routes. The wayfinding follows the guidelines in the 2016 Dane County Bicycle Wayfinding Manual.

What is bicycle wayfinding?

A bicycle wayfinding system consists of comprehensive signing to guide bicyclists to their destinations along preferred bicycle routes. Signs are typically placed at decision points along bicycle routes – typically at the intersection of two or more bikeways and at other key locations leading to and along bicycle routes. 

Benefits of Wayfinding

  • Familiarizes users with the bicycle network
  • Identifies the best routes to key destinations
  • Can help new bicyclists understand how to get started riding
  • Can help people understand how close destinations are by bike
  • Can help drivers understand that they are on a bicycle route


  • Southwest Path: The City’s first major bicycle wayfinding project is along the Southwest Path.
  • E Mifflin Bike Boulevard: In Design
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