Safe Streets Madison

The Safe Streets Madison program works to improve traffic safety and ensure that Madison streets are accessible for everyone. Streets should be safe for people who walk, take transit, bike and drive. 

Program Priorities

  1. Severity: Data from the High Injury Network (HIN) is used to determine where safety improvements are most needed.
  2. Impact: How much do we expect the proposed change to improve the issue.  
  3. Equity: Implementing traffic safety measures in a fair and equitable manner to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries on City streets.  Prioritizing projects that will affect underserved communities.  
  4. Cost of the improvement

Learn more about the process by reading the Safe Streets Madison Report

Potential Future Projects

Traffic Engineering staff evaluate submitted requests and propose projects to the Transportation Commission.  The commission reviews each proposal, makes changes, and approves final projects.

Information on Potential Improvements types:

Subscribe to the Safe Streets email list to receive updates about upcoming meetings.

Learn more about proposed and approved Safe Streets Madison Projects

Project Photos

Get Involved


Understanding neighborhoods needs is critical to the success of the Safe Streets Madison program. Do you have a safety concern or are there challenges that make it hard to walk and bike places? If so, submit your traffic safety or walking and biking concerns to

Public information meetings are held for many projects citywide. Learn more about these meeting's by visiting the Let's Talk Streets webpage.

The Transportation Commission also holds public hearings on Safe Streets projects. The public can comment on projects when they go to the commission.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.
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