"This corner is really dangerous - Can't you put a stop sign there before someone gets hurt?"
This is an example of a request from concerned citizens, neighborhood groups and alderpersons. The following information will help you understand how we respond to your concerns.
Factors Considered
To fulfill a stop sign request, certain factors need to be considered. These include:
- Pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle volume.
- Vehicle Speed
- Collision History
- Visibility
- Special conditions such as hills and curves
Standards Used:
We evaluate the data in light of established guidelines for traffic controls. These guidelines are accepted nationwide and are integrated into City ordinances. Stop signs are installed at an intersection only after a careful engineering survey of the present conditions indicates that their installation is appropriate. Numerous studies have shown that stop signs can lead to an increase in collisions as drivers ignore signs they think are inappropriate. Stop signs may also lead to an increase in fuel consumption, noise pollution, auto emissions, and force traffic onto other streets. Experience has shown that other measures are needed to maintain a safe situation. Parking restrictions, tree or hedge trimming, pavement markings and speed enforcement are often effective in reducing traffic collisions.
Stop signs are intended to assign the right of way at intersections. They do not control speeding. In fact, speed often increases as motorists try to make up for time lost at a stop sign.
Calling the Madison Police Speeding Hotline, or reporting online at Report a Problem, Traffic Enforcement, at 266 - 4624.
When used properly, a stop sign can be one of our most valuable and effective traffic control devices. Their use and location regulate safety for motorists, pedestrians and for the community. If you have any questions, requests, or suggestions please contact the Traffic Engineering Division at 608-266-4761.