Traffic Signals
Traffic Signals manage traffic flow at intersections, improving safety for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. They include traditional stoplights, pedestrian signals, and advanced traffic management systems.
Advanced Traffic Management System

Centracs is our on-premises traffic signal software solution, providing powerful and flexible communications to most of our traffic signal controllers. It also allows staff to remotely program and adjust signal timings and share data for daily and special event situations.

Pedestrian Features
Pedestrian safety is certainly a priority for us. We have incorporated many pedestrian-friendly safety features into our traffic signals at many intersections including:
Countdown "Walk" and flashing "Don't Walk" displays
In addition to the flashing hand display, a countdown is provided for pedestrians to better understand how much time is left to cross the intersection safely.
Leading Pedestrian Intervals
A leading pedestrian interval gives pedestrians the opportunity to enter the crosswalk at an intersection, typically 3-5 seconds, before vehicles are given a green indication. Pedestrians can better establish their presence in the crosswalk before vehicles have priority to turn right or left.
Push Buttons and Accessible Pedestrian Signals
These types of pedestrian crossing features provide non-visual guidance on "Walk" and "Don't Walk" intervals at a crossing for pedestrians with visual impairments.
- Eliminate right turn on red
- Omit Flashing Yellow Arrow during active pedestrian crossings
- Exclusive All “Ped” Phases around Capital Square and Pedestrian Recalls
Bicycle Features
Like pedestrian safety, bicyclist safety is another priority for us. You will find traffic signal displays and detectors dedicated to the movement of cyclists at many of our signalized intersections. Some examples include:
- 13 dedicated bicycle signal crossings along key bicycle routes
- First 4-inch bicycle signal in Wisconsin
- Bicycle detection incorporated into design & operation of traffic signals
Transit Features
Our traffic engineers adjust signal timing plans reducing the travel time of transit buses through corridors. Passive transit signal timings in place include around Capital Square and various downtown signals timed for transit flow. We may also include multiple transit phases per cycle, and transit detection in some bus pull outs to call side streets pedestrian phases.
With the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, additional transit features such as Transit Signal Priority are included. Signal priority improves the reliability of transit vehicle schedules, making transit use more convenient and attractive, by extending green lights and shortening reds when transit vehicles approach.
Additional Resources:
Traffic Signal Warrants in the current Wisconsin Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
This signal provides a more direct message than the circular green for permissive left turns. Read this brochure to understand how this signal works.