TDM Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost of a TDM Plan review?
$100 base fee + $15/required TDM point ($655 maximum).
How do I pay for the TDM Plan review fees?
Currently, TDM Plan review fees can be paid at the Transportation Counter, or mailed to the Transportation Office (Madison Municipal Building, 215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Suite 109, Madison, WI 53703).
When do I pay TDM Plan review fees?
TDM Plan review fees are paid once staff determine the TDM Plan is approvable. Projects that require Plan Commission or Common Council approval will be assessed TDM Plan review fees close to when a building permit is applied for. Proposals that are a staff-level review (not requiring Plan Commission, etc., approval) would require TDM Plan review fees shortly after plans are reviewed by staff.
Where do I send my TDM Plan?
TDM Plans can be sent to
What do I do if I cannot meet the required TDM points?
For new developments, all required TDM points must be provided. The TDM Coordinator has the authority to waive up to five mitigation points for existing buildings. Additional points (for existing buildings) can be waived through an appeal application to the Transportation Commission.
How do I get a TDM Plan for my property recertified?
TDM Plan approvals are good for two years after a final certificate of occupancy is issued. Within 60 days of the two-year approval, property owners must submit a TDM Plan recertification to
How much does TDM Plan recertification cost?
$10 per required TDM point ($370 maximum).
Does the TDM Ordinance “sunset” after a certain number of years?
No, the TDM Ordinance does not have a “sunset” provision.
Who do I contact for additional questions? or (608) 266-4761.