TDM Process

Madison’s proposed TDM process can be broadly divided into four steps:

TDM Process


1. Determine Applicability

  • TDM applies to new and expanding developments, those changing uses, or those increasing parking with residential and/or non-residential components (commercial, employment, institutional).

2. Determine TDM targets

  • Determine TDM requirements based on land use, development size, and number of proposed parking stalls, using a point-based system.

3. Create and submit TDM plan

TDM Process Infographic


  • Select measures from the TDM menu to meet the assigned point target using the TDM Plan creation tool.
  • Submit TDM plan for approval and pay a nominal fee to cover administrative review of the Plan.

4. Implementation, reporting and monitoring

  • Upon approval, building owners need to implement measures specified in their TDM plans.
  • The city will track and monitor program implementation and set reporting requirements.
  • (Optional) Enroll in a Transportation Management Association for additional assistance with onsite TDM operations.

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