Vision Zero

Eliminating Traffic Deaths and Serious Injuries
Vision Zero is a data driven strategy intended to eliminate traffic deaths and severe injuries on all roadways, bikeways and sidewalks. The City of Madison Vision Zero initiative strives to improve safety for everyone moving about the city, whether walking, biking, driving and riding transit; and to improve the identified high injury locations, all in an effort to prevent fatal crashes and severe injuries.
Safety starts with all of us.
How Does This Relate To You?
The core belief of Vision Zero is that death and injury on city streets is preventable. This approach to safety emphasizes smarter street designs that account for human error and education, data-driven enforcement and community engagement. With the Vision Zero approach City departments and residents work together to make city streets safer and meet the goal of zero deaths and serious injuries in Madison.
- Steering Team
- Partners/Stakeholders
- Strategic Vision Document
- Vision Zero Action Plan
- 2020-2022 Progress Report
Madison Vision Zero Principles
- Safety - Safety for all roadway users, including bicycle and pedestrian safety. One life lost on our streets is too many.
- Equity - The City of Madison recognizes the disparity, racial and economic difference in neighborhoods and will focus on improving lower income community roadways included in the high injury network. Equity is a top priority for the City of Madison and will be at the forefront of discussions, actions and improvements.
- Data-Focused - Data will drive our focus on where to invest time and money to improve the highest injury intersections and roadways.
- Accountability - The City of Madison will set clear goals and objectives, as well as engaging the community in outreach and collaboration to make Vision Zero a success.