Public Engagement and Outreach

Public Events: 

From Safety Saturday to Parks Alive, staff spends summers attending citywide public events talking about Vision Zero and its neighborhood speed management program 20 is Plenty.

Parks Alive at Aldo Leopold, placing reflection and lighting devices on kids bikes as they pass by the Vision Zero table.

Yard Signs

The City of Madison has free yard signs available for residents to display in their yards about the new program, 20 is Plenty. 

The following signs are available:

20 is Plenty yard sign - English
20 is Plenty yard sign - Spanish
20 is Plenty yard sign - Chinese
20 in Plenty yard sign - Hmong

To request your own yard sign, contact Traffic Engineering with the sign type you would like to display.



Learn more about the Vision Zero program and how it impacts the work performed by the City of Madison by reading the Vision Zero quarterly newsletter.

Want to understand more about 20 is Plenty? Why not catch up on this recent episode of Everyday Engineering, hosted by City Engineering.


News Releases

20 is Plenty - a Neighborhood Street Speed Reduction Program (posted 8/6/21)

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