Customer Bill of Rights
Madison Water Utility Mission:
We are entrusted by the people of Madison to supply high quality water for consumption and fire protection, at a reasonable cost, while conserving and protecting our ground water resources for present and future generations.
In fulfillment of this mission, Madison Water Utility pledges to provide a service that its customers will find to be of great value, and that interactions with the utility staff will be helpful and positive.
As a customer of MWU, you have the right to:
- Clean, safe water free from objectionable taste, odor, and color.
- Water pressure that is neither too low nor too high.
- Be secure in the knowledge that sufficient water will always be available to fight any fire in your neighborhood.
- Ready access to information regarding water quality and testing, billing and metering, project news, water conservation and efficiency, and other items of interest in an easy-to-understand format.
- A fair and efficient process to resolve complaints and disputes.
- Courteous and respectful treatment at all times by MWU staff.
More information:
Brochure from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin regarding your rights as a residential utility customer.