1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Q & A

Where does Madison's water come from?

Madison drinking water comes from a deep, sandstone aquifer below the city. Groundwater originates as rain or snow which soaks into the ground and is naturally filtered through layers of soil and rock before replenishing the aquifer. Madison's water system consists of 22 wells, 30 reservoirs, and 840 miles of interconnected pipes.

I think there's a main break in my neighborhood. What should I do?

If you notice water bubbling up through a crack in the street, a sudden drop in water pressure, or a complete loss of water, call our 24-hour Emergency Hotline at (608) 266-4667.

Why should I conserve water?

Madison's aquifer is plentiful enough to meet the city's needs and then some, but we shouldn't take it for granted. If the utility has to meet rising customer demand every year to accommodate population growth, we must continually increase pumping and delivery capacity, and we could eventually need to find additional sources of water. Each increase in capacity and supply means increased costs to develop and operate; these, in turn, eventually lead to an increase in customer rates.

What is the average water use in Madison?

People in Madison use an average of 64 gallons of water per person, per day. Our goal is to reduce that number to 58 gallons by the year 2020.

You can help conserve water by taking advantage of our toilet rebate program and tracking your monthly, daily, even hourly water use online.

Here's how current average monthly water use breaks down by household size in Madison:

Number of PeopleWater Used in Gallons
One1,800 to 2,900 Gallons
Two2,900 to 5,000 Gallons
Three5,000 to 7,000 Gallons
Four7,500 to 10,000 Gallons
Five10,000 to 12,500 Gallons

I got an official-looking letter from HomeServe about water service lateral insurance. Are they city-affiliated?

Homeowners across Madison have been receiving letters from a company called HomeServe USA offering insurance for water service lateral lines (the pipe that runs from the main under the street to a home). However, the company is not affiliated with the City or with Madison Water Utility, and the letters are simply part of a wide-spread sales campaign.

While it is true that water service line repairs are a homeowner’s responsibility, it’s a good idea to read the fine print before buying any insurance policy. You can also check with your current homeowner’s insurance company to see if lateral damage is already covered by your current policy.

Some homeowners may have purchased sewer line insurance through a company called Service Line Warranties. That company was selected by the City to sell optional coverage for sewer line service, repair or replacement.

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