Resources for the Madison Community
Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Just for Kids
Hands-on Education
Students from Crestwood Elementary visit one of our water wells
Find out where Madison's water comes from! If you'd like to schedule a field trip, a visit to your school from the Water Wagon, or inquire about a speaker, contact Madison Water Utility outreach specialist Jody Berndt - jberndt@madisonwater.org, (608) 261-9272
The Water Cycle
Did you know that all the water we have on the planet today is the same water that was here when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth? The water constantly moves from the earth to the sky and back again in a process known as the water cycle.
Find out more at USGS: The Water Cycle
Where does Madison get its Water?
Madison's water doesn't come from our lakes. It comes from a place deep underground called an aquifer. Madison Water Utility has 22 wells all over the city that pump water from the aquifer into giant reservoirs, including those big water towers that you see around town. The water then moves from the reservoirs into big water main pipes that run under the streets, carrying clean water to every home and business in Madison!
Making Sure the Water is Safe
Water Quality Manager Joe Grande shows how our water is tested
Madison's water is tested at every single well every single day. We run thousands of tests each year looking for everything from chemicals to harmful bacteria. Samples are collected right at the well and some tests are run on the spot with hand-held computers. Other samples are sent away to state labs for testing. Madison's water is super safe - it meets or exceeds all federal and state standards!
Saving Water - What You Can Do
Only 1% of the Earth's water can be used by people. The rest is frozen or is the salt water in our oceans. As the world's population grows, more and more of us will be using this limited resource, so it's important not to waste it.
The average American family uses 400 gallons of water a day! Here's how you can use less:
- Turn off the water when you're not using it, like when you're brushing your teeth.
- Take showers instead of baths.
- Keep and eye out for dripping faucets both inside and outside your home.
- Use a bucket instead of a hose when helping wash the car.
Learn More
Head to these websites to find out more about water and the environment!
- Into the Outdoors: The Water You Drink
Parts of this video feature Madison Water Utility facilities and staff! The website includes lessons for elementary, middle school, and high school. - EPA WaterSense Kids
- USGS Water Science for Schools
- Give Water A Hand
- UW-Extension Educating Young People about Water
- Water Education Foundation: Water Kids
- EPA What's Up with Our Nation's Water?
- EPA Global Warming Kids Site
- EPA Environmental Kids Club