Resources for the Madison Community
Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Allis/Spaanem/Shaffer Water Main Installation
Project Details
Project Information
Approximate Schedule
Late-August to Mid-October
Water Main Work
A new 12-inch water pipeline will be installed on the north side of Allis Avenue (between Turner Avenue and Shaffer Avenue) and on the east side of Shaffer Avenue. There will also be new pipeline installed through the Allis Avenue and Spaanem Avenue intersection. Several new fire hydrants will be spaced out along this pipeline and installed in the terrace on the same side as the new pipeline. Construction operations may include but not be limited to:
- Sawing of asphalt pavement
- Asphalt removal
- Excavation
- Water pipeline installation
- Reconnection of Allis and Shaffer Avenue water services
- Backfill, soil compaction, and base course placement
- Paving operations of asphalt
- General site maintenance, cleanup and restoration
Project Location Map
(Click for larger)
Water Shut-offs
Properties within the project limits and on Spaanem Avenue will experience an average of two water outages as the new water main gets connected to the existing system and water services are connected. Water outages may last up to 8 hours but will typically take less than 4 hours to complete. Properties will be notified at least 48 hours in advance of planned water outages.
Traffic Impacts
The areas where new water pipeline is getting installed will be closed to through traffic until the streets are restored. Driveway access to properties will only be limited during times that work is taking place directly in front of a driveway, otherwise typical access will be coordinated throughout the project.
Bus Routes & Pickup Locations
There are no current bus routes within the project area, and bus routes nearby on Turner Avenue and Buckeye Road are not expected to be altered as a result of this work.
The street pavement will be removed and replaced where necessary to allow for the pipeline installation.
Project Contacts
Project Manager:
Pete Holmgren
Traffic Engineering:
Tom Mohr
Metro Transit:
Tim Sobota
Construction Contractor:
Dan Brice
S&L Underground
Construction Inspection:
Brian McNeary
City Engineering:
John Fahrney