DHS recommended groundwater standards for PFAS

On November 6, 2020, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) recommended groundwater standards to the DNR for a number of different substances, including 16 additional types of PFAS compounds. (The agency had previously recommended standards for two types called PFOA and PFOS.)

All wells in Madison more than meet all of the DHS recommended groundwater standards for PFAS.

Below is a list of PFAS compounds, along with the recommended standard for each and the highest level of each substance found in Madison’s wells during 2020 testing. A list of levels found at Well 15 during 2019 testing is also included. Well 15 is not currently in service.

(Click here to view a map of Madison’s municipal well facilities.)

PFASWI DHS recommendation (ng/L or parts per trillion)Maximum Level (2020)Well with Max Level (2020)Well 15 (2019)
PFOA20*1.8Well 146.1
PFOS20*1.8Well 165.9
FOSA20*4.4^Well 31ND
NEtFOSE20*1.5Well 12ND
PFBA10,00037Well 093.0
PFBS450,0001.7Well 143.4
PFHxA150,0002.2Well 146.2
PFHXS405.0Well 1421
PFDoA5000.56Well 06ND
PFTeA10,0000.52Well 06ND

* Recommended that combined level of six PFAS compounds (PFOA, PFOS, FOSA, NEtFOSE, NEtFOSA, & NEtFOSAA) be below 20 ng/L

^Present in laboratory method blank; may reflect cross-contamination at lab

ND = not detected

na = not analyzed

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