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Olbrich Park

Olbrich Park
Address: 3527 Atwood Ave.
Hours: 4:00am - 10:00pm
Park Type: Community
Acres: 90.01
Restroom: Yes
Drinking Water: Yes
Shoreline On: Lake Monona & Starkweather Creek

Park Details

Whether you are looking for a day of leisure, a picnic with your family, or just a great place to revitalize, Olbrich Park is the place to be.  Located on Madison's East side along the shore of Lake Monona and adjacent to Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Olbrich Park is one of Madison's largest lakefront parks. 

Alcohol is prohibited in this park.  For more information, see the Madison General Ordinance 8.24. In order to have alcohol in this park, you must have an alcohol permit, which may be obtained through the Parks Administrative Office.

Park Highlights

Gaga Ball Pit 

A few years ago a park patron suggested we install a gaga pit. Quite honestly this was the first we'd heard of the game. But with a little research and talented and resourceful staff, Madison now has a Gaga Ball Pit at Olbrich Park! It's a BYOB - bring your own ball and similar to dodgeball but with a little less force! Perfect for children. Give it a try and let us know what you think! Learn more about the game and rules.  gaga ball set up
Alternate addresses:
3301 - 3401 Atwood Ave.: west lakefront and south boat launch
3402 Atwood Ave.: softball fields and north boat launch (canoe/kayak)
201 Garrison St. : ice rinks
502 Walter St.: softball fields

The Biergarten at Olbrich Park and Rutabaga Paddlesports rentals are open seasonally. 

Click here for a history of the public process for the Biergarten. 


At this Park