What is Conciliation?
After gathering information from both sides the Investigator makes a determination as to whether there is “probable cause” to believe that discrimination may have happened or “no probable cause” to believe discrimination may have occurred. If the Investigator finds “probable cause,” then you and the Respondent have the chance to “conciliate.”
Conciliation is a voluntary process where you and the Respondent negotiate with the help of a Department of Civil Rights, Equal Opportunities Division, Conciliator what it would take for you both to end the case.
Conciliation Conference
If both parties agree, the Conciliator will set up a time for a conference.
You should be prepared to:
- Discuss what you would need from the Respondent to settle.
- Explain why you deserve what you are asking for.
What Can I Be Compensated For?
You can ask for anything. People do not only ask for money as compensation. Many ask for letters of recommendation, an apology, or additional skills training. Remember that the other party will most likely want to know why you have chosen certain things for compensation. Be prepared to give good reasons for why you are asking for certain things.
For example, say that a woman was fired because of her sex. She looked for and applied to jobs that had similar pay and benefits as the job she was fired from. After three weeks she found a job. A reasonable request would be for this woman to ask the Respondent:
- To pay her the wages she lost during the time she was looking for a job.
- She could also ask for money to compensate for emotional hurt and suffering. She would need to be able to explain this too. Maybe she was so emotionally hurt that she needed to visit a mental health professional.
- A reasonable request might be to have the Respondent pay the bill for her doctor.