Complainant vs Respondent
- Adams v. Genna's Lounge, MEOC Case No. 3327 (Ex. Dec. 4/19/94)
- Affiliated Carriage Systems, Inc., v. Equal Opportunities Commission of the City of Madison, 92 CV 2714 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 2/25/93) See Perez v. Affiliated Carriage Systems
- Allen v. Wisconsin Bell, MEOC Case No. 20804 (Ex. Dec. 8/1/89)
- Allison v. Golden Pheasant, MEOC Case No. 3196 (Ex. Dec. 12/30/88)
- Althouse v. Goulette, No. (Dane County Cir. Ct., 12/8/76).
- Anchor Savings & Loan v. MEOC (Schenk), 120 Wis. 2d 391, 355 N.W. 2d 234 (1984)
- Ashford v. Magna Publishing, MEOC Case No. 22719 (Ex. Dec. 3/27/00)
- Bagneski v. America's Best Value Inn, MEOC Case No. 20203062, (Comm. Dec. 08/31/2021, Ex. Dec. 08/24/2020)
- Bahr, et al v. Hinken, MEOC Case Nos. 1306 and 1307 (Comm. Dec. 3/4/86, Ex. Dec. 11/8/85)
- Baker v. Capital Services Inc., MEOC Case No. 21489 (Ex. Dec. 5/7/93)
- Bakken v. Aerotek Staffing Agency, MEOC Case No. 20132110 (Ex. Dec. on mot. to consol.: 08/06/2014). See Bakken v. CUNA Mutual Group.
- Bakken v. CUNA Mutual Group, MEOC Case No. 20132111 (Ex. Dec. on mot. to consol.: 08/06/2014). See Bakken v. Aerotek Staffing Agency.
- Balch v. Snapshots, Inc. of Madison, MEOC Case No. 21730 (Ex. Dec. on liability 10/14/93, on damages 12/9/93)
- Banks v. Madison Metropolitan School District, MEOC Case No. 20102172 (Ex. Dec. 8/3/11)
- Baremore v. Allen and Procknow, MEOC Case No. 20619 (Ex. Dec. 4/1/87)
- Barlow v. Woodman's Food Market, MEOC Case No. 3334 (Ex. Dec. 8/29/96)
- Barry v. Total Security Mgmt., MEOC Case No. 20122076 (Ex. Dec. 11/27/2012)
- Baxter v. Courier Personal Services WHII, MEOC Case No. 20082105 (Hearing Ex. Decision 11/3/09)
- Bedford v. The Farm Tavern, MEOC Case No. 20132017 (Ex. Dec. 08/15/2016)
- Berning v. Delaney's Charcoal Steaks, MEOC Case No. 19993102 (Comm. Dec. 1/18/02, Ex. Dec. 2/1/01)
- Berning v. Delaney's Charcoal Steaks, MEOC Case No. 19993104 (Comm. Dec. 1/18/02, Ex. Dec. 2/1/01)
- Berning v. Delaney's Charcoal Steaks, MEOC Case No. 19993103 (Comm. Dec. 1/18/02, Ex. Dec. 2/1/01)
- Berning Lewis v. Delaney's Charcoal Steaks, MEOC Case No. 19993100 (Ex. Dec. 2/1/01)
- Birk v. American Red Cross, Badger Chapter, MEOC Case No. 20062041 (Ex. Dec. 4/9/10)
- Blizzard v. Auto Glass Specialists, MEOC Case No. 20022147 (Ex. Dec. 07/18/05)
- Bodle v. Midwest Fashions, MEOC Case No. 2781 (Ex. Dec. 4/5/82)
- Booker v. Threlfall et al., MEOC Case No. 1670 (Ex. Dec. 11/19/97)
- Booker v. Threlfall et al., MEOC Case No. 1670 (2nd Ex. Dec. 3/28/00)
- Bordson v. Oscar Mayer Food Corp., MEOC Case No. 20989 (Comm. Dec. 4/4/90, Ex. Dec. 9/29/89)
- Bottila v. McDonalds, MEOC Case No. 20073203 (Ex. Dec. 7/27/09)
- Briggs v. Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits Restaurant, MEOC Case Nos. 20083073, 20083074 (Ex. Dec. 3/19/10)
- Brooks v. I.S.S. and Ed Hasmer, MEOC Case No. 21535 (Ex. Dec. 5/13/93)
- Brown v. CDA, MEOC Case No. 20101085 (Ex. Dec. 01/20/2011)
- Brown v. Five Star Senior Living, MEOC Case No. 20172199 (Comm. Dec. 10/05/2018)
- Bruhn (Laufenberg) v. Badger Expediting, MEOC Case No. 2826 (Ex. Dec. 4/1/82)
- Burns v. Erbert’s & Gerbert’s Sandwich Shop, MEOC Case No. 20142208 (Ex. Dec. on mot. to dismiss: 10/07/2015)
- Busto v. Wisconsin Power and Light, MEOC Case No. 20945 (Comm. Dec. 3/14/90, Ex. Dec. 9/25/89). See State ex rel. Elizabeth Busto v. MEOC and WP&L, 90 CV 1594 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 1/9/91).
- Butler v. Research Products, MEOC Case No. 22031 (Ex. Dec. on jurisdiction 3/8/95)
- Butler v. Russ Darrow, MEOC Case No. 3359 (Ex. Dec. 7/30/96)
- Byers v. LIRC, 208 Wis. 2d 388 (1997)
- Carey v. UW Health, MEOC Case No. 19992097 (Ex. Dec. 8/17/99)
- Carroll v. Bayview Community Center, MEOC Case No. 2491 (Ex. Dec. 9/5/80)
- Carver-Thomas v. Genesis Behavioral Services, Inc., MEOC Case No.19992224 and 20002185 (Ex. Dec. 1/25/06)
- Caryl Sprague v. City of Madison and City of Madison Equal Opportunities Commission, Ann Hacklander-Ready and Moreen Rowe, No. 94-2983 (Ct. App. 9/26/96)
- Castillo v. Fisher and Hellenbrand, MEOC Case No. 22322 (Com. Dec. 11/1/99, Ex. Dec. 3/13/99)
- Chancy v. Viking House, MEOC Case No. 1581 (Comm. Dec. 11/1/94)
- Chung v. Paisans, MEOC Case No. 21192 (Ex. Dec. on liability 2/10/93, on attorney's fees 7/29/93 and 9/23/93)
- City of Madison v. Llama Imports (Laitsch), No. 82-CV-3782 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 9/23/83)
- City of Madison v. Rennebohm's Drug Store (Marks), CV179P319 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 7/19/77)
- Colon v. Famous Footwear, MEOC Case No. 20747 (Ex. Dec. 9/7/88)
- Community Action Comm. v. MEOC (Sanchez), No. 161-291 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 8/31/79)
- Converse v. Mansion Hill Inn, MEOC Case No. 22813 (Ex. Dec. 4/3/98)
- Cooper v. TCI Cablevision of Wisconsin, MEOC Case No. 21036 (Ex. Dec. 4/16/91)
- Cronk v. Reynolds Transfer & Storage, MEOC Case No. 20022063 (Comm. Dec. 3/5/2007; Ex. Dec. 8/29/2006; Comm. Dec. 2/28/2005; Ex. Dec. 9/13/2004); Reynolds Transfer & Storage, Inc. v. City of Madison Department of Civil Rights, Equal Opportunities Commission, 2000 CV 1100 (Dane Cty. Cir. Ct. 10/19/2007)
- Cruse v. Nordic Consulting, MEOC Case No. 20142065 (Comm. Dec. 06/27/2019)
- Davis v. Alpine Rentals, MEOC Case No. 2473 (Ex. Dec. 7/16/80)
- Dayton v. Madison Gen. Hospital, MEOC Case No. 2535 (Comm. Dec. 3/5/81, Ex. Dec. 10/17/80)
- De Leon v. Woodman's Food Market - West, MEOC Case No. 22080 (Ex. Dec. 6/11/97)
- DePriest v. Oak Park Terrace, MEOD Case No. 20151190
- Dickson v. Woodman's, MEOC Case No. 21919 (Ex. Dec. 10/23/95)
- Dinkins v. North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters Training Fund, MEOC Case No. 20162002 (Ex. Dec. re: jurisdict. 09/26/2016)
- Dischler v. Boldt Construction, Inc., MEOC Case No. 21545 (Comm. Dec. 11/29/94, Ex. Dec. 7/11/94) See Oscar Boldt Construction Company v. City of Madison et al.
- Donahue v. MG&E, MEOC Case No. 2560 (Comm. Dec. 9/10/81, Ex. Dec. 2/9/81)
- Downing v. Labor Ready, MEOC Case No. 22462 (Comm. Dec. 8/29/97, Ex. Dec. 11/20/96)
- Duarte v. Silver Dollar Bar, MEOC Case No. 3091 (Ex. Dec. 5/10/83)
- Duff v. JC Penney Stores, MEOC Case No. 20032069 (Comm. Dec. 8/25/06, Ex. Dec. 4/13/06)
- Duncan v. H. James & Sons, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20022040 (Ex. Dec. 12/22/2003, Ex. Dec. 2/11/2005)
- Dunn v. South Central Library System, MEOC Case No. 19982195 (Ex. Dec. 6/24/99)
- Ennis v. Local 965 IBEW, MEOC Case No. 22118 (Ex. Dec. on jurisdiction 2/3/95 and 3/17/95)
- Ennis v. WP&L, MEOC Case No. 22119 (Ex. Dec. on jurisdiction 2/3/95 and 3/17/95)
- Evans-Jackson v. Goodman Community Center, MEOC Case No. 20112076 (aff'd Comm. Dec. 06/17/2014; Ex. Dec. on liability:07/03/2013)
- Ezrow v. PDQ, MEOC Case No. 21966 (Ex. Dec. 9/15/94)
- Fed. Rural Elec. Ins. v. MEOC (Kessler), No. 79-538 (Ct. App. 4/27/81)
- Fed. Rural. Elec. Ins. v. MEOC, et al., 131 Wis. 2d. 189 (1986)
- Fields v. Roadway Express, MEOC Case No. 2716 (Comm. Dec. 7/26/82, Ex. Dec. 3/3/82)
- Fitzgerald v. Hillhaven, MEOC Case No. 2757 (Ex. Dec. 2/18/82)
- Flowers v. The Charlton Group, MEOC Case No. 20002129 (Ex. Dec. 9/17/02)
- Foy v. Madison Rehabilitation & Convalescent Center, MEOC Case No. 21831 (Comm. Dec. 6/5/95, Ex. Dec. 8/29/94, Ex. Interim Dec. 7/5/94)
- Francis v. Quarra Stone Company, MEOC Case No. 21764 (Comm. Dec. 11/4/93)
- Franklin v. AJ Prestige, LLC, MEOC Case No. 20152133, (Comm. Dec. 03/04/2021, Ex. Dec. 05/11/2020)
- Franklin v. Capital Services, MEOC Case No. 21490 (Ex. Dec. 5/14/93)
- Gardner v. Wal-Mart Vision Center, MEOC Case No. 22637 (Ex. Dec. on Attorney's Fees 6/1/01)
- Gardner v. Wal-Mart Vision Center, MEOC Case No. 22637 (2nd Ex. Dec. 6/3/01)
- Garwo v. Gardner Bakery Co., MEOC Case No. 19992041 (Comm. Dec. 3/3/00)
- Gathing v. YMCA of Metropolitan Madison, Inc., & East YMCA of Madison, MEOC Case No. 21198 (Comm. Dec. 1/9/92, Ex. Dec. 7/11/91) See Nancy Gathing v. Madison Equal Opportunities Commission, et al.
- Goad v. Ahrens Cadillac/Oldsmobile, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20022061 (Comm. Dec. 12/26/06, Ex. Dec. 8/6/06)
- Goldsberry v. ChemLawn, MEOC Case No. 2967 (Ex. Dec. 11/21/83)
- Goldsworthy v. SPi CRM, Inc. n/k/a Inspiro, MEOD Case No. 20182155 (Ex. Dec. 1/19/2022)
- Goodman v. Isthmus Publishing Company, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20013060 (Ex. Dec. 10/17/2003, Ex. Dec. 1/9/2004)
- Goodman v. Women's Transit Authority, MEOC Case No. 20013059 (Ex. Dec. 10/17/2003)
- Goodwin v. Madison Taxi, MEOC Case No. 20093094 (Ex. Dec. on atty. fees: 02/22/2013, Aff'd Madison Taxi v. Madison Equal Opportunities Commission, City of Madison, John Goodwin and Nathanial Johnson, Case No. 12CV1304 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 10/25/2012), aff'd Comm. Dec. 02/28/2012, Ex. Dec. on liability: 09/07/2011, Ex. Dec. on sanctions: 5/28/2010)
- Gray v. Kennedy Heights, MEOC Case No. 1224 (Ex. Dec. 7/7/81)
- Green v. Soliman, MEOC Case No. 1679 (Ex. Dec. on preclusion of testimony 2/28/97)
- Groholski v. Old Town Pub, MEOC Case No. 20072041 (Ex. Dec. on Attorney's Fees 5/10/10, 3/12/10, 7/30/08)
- Gustafson v. WPS, MEOC Case No. 20539 (Ex. Dec. 5/19/87)
- Guyton v. Rolfsmeyer, MEOC Case No. 20424 (Comm. Dec. 7/18/86, Ex. Dec. 4/28/86)
- Hackett v. Russ Darrow, MEOC Case No. 3356 (Ex. Dec. 8/5/97)
- Hafner v. Last Coast Producing Corp. et. al., MEOC Case No. 20003184 (Ex. Dec. 1/14/02)
- Hagland v. Bancroft Dairy, MEOC Case No. 20909 (Comm. Dec. 11/11/93, 12/15/93, Ex. Dec. 4/15/93, Ex. Dec. on admissibility of results of polygraph examination 12/22/80)
- Hahn v. Delaney's Charcoal Steaks, MEOC Case No. 19993110 (Comm. Dec. 1/18/02, Ex. Dec. 2/1/01)
- Hahn v. Delaney's Charcoal Steaks, MEOC Case No. 19993111 (Comm. Dec. 1/18/02, Ex. Dec. 2/1/01)
- Hahn v. Delaney's Charcoal Steaks, MEOC Case No. 19993118 (Comm. Dec. 1/18/02, Ex. Dec. 2/1/01)
- Hahn v. Delaney's Charcoal Steaks, MEOC Case No. 19993099 (Comm. Dec. 1/18/02, Ex. Dec. 2/1/01)
- Hamidi v. Dreamweavers, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20112071 (Ex. Dec. 08/16/12)
- Hanson v. Motel 6, MEOC Case No. 20182029 (Comm. Dec. 04/02/2019)
- Hardin v. Swiss Colony, Inc., MEOC Case No. 2323 (Ex. Dec. 10/13/77)
- Hargons v. Gardner Baking, MEOC Case No. 2619 (Comm. Dec. 11/9/81, Ex. Dec. 4/29/81)
- Harper v. Open Pantry Food Marts, MEOC Case No. 2771 (Comm. Dec. 8/31/82, Ex. Dec. 4/13/82)
- Harris v. Accent Service Company, MEOC Case No. 22576 (Ex. Dec. 8/24/98)
- Harris v. Paragon Restaurant Group, Inc. et al., MEOC Case No. 20947 (on liability/damages: Comm. Dec. 2/14/90, 5/12/94, Ex. Dec. 6/28/89, 11/8/93; on atty. fees: Comm. Dec. 2/27/95, Ex. Dec. 8/8/94) See Paragon Restaurant Group, Inc. v. Madison EOC and Harris
- Harvey v. Marshall Erdman & Associates, MEOC Case No. 21614 (Ex. Dec. 5/9/97)
- Hawkins v. Volkmann Railroad Builders, Inc., MEOC Case No. 22451 (Ex. Dec. 2/17/00)
- Hayes v. Clean Power, MEOC Case No. 19982028 (Ex. Dec. 10/7/99, Ex. Dec. on damages 10/7/99, Ex. Dec. on prejudgment interest 10/7/99)
- Hensley v. Echerhart, 461 U.S. 424, 433, 103 S. Ct. 1933, 1939 (1983)
- Hieb v. American Standard, MEOC Case No. 3255 (Comm. Dec. 12/3/92, Ex. Dec. 3/11/92)
- Hieb v. Woodman's, MEOC Case No. 21148 (Comm. Dec. 3/27/92, Ex. Dec. 10/1/91)
- Hilgers v. Laboratory Consulting, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20277 (Comm. Final Order on Remand 03/29/89; aff'd Case No. 87-2266 (Ct. App. 12/22/1988); remanded Case No. 86 CV 6488 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 08/24/87); Comm. Dec. on Remand 11/10/86; (not available) Case No. 85CV 6300 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 8/20/86); rev'd Comm. Dec. 11/18/85; Ex. Recommended Decis. 07/12/85; Ex. Interim Recommended Decis. 04/11/85)
- Hilgers v. Laboratory Consulting, Inc. and MEOC, See Hilgers v. Laboratory Consulting, Inc.
- Hohlstein v. Shopko, MEOC Case No. 22381 (Ex. Dec. 11/26/96)
- Hovde v. Equal Opportunities Commission of the City of Madison, 00 CV 0803 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 2/20/01)
- Hunt v. Oscar Mayer Foods Corp., MEOC Case No. 21104 (Ex. Dec. 5/23/97)
- Ivy v. Belmont Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, MEOC Case No. 20032225 (Ex. Dec. 10/28/04)
- Jackson v. Madison Club, MEOC Case No. 2715 (Ex. Dec. 9/24/81)
- Jackson v. Marvin Hellenbrand, MEOC Case No. 1482 (Ex. Dec. 5/24/93)
- Jackson v. Ruan Transportation, MEOC Case No. 20122079 (Ex. Dec. on liability: 02/26/2013, Ex. Dec. on summary judgment: 01/04/2013)
- Jackson v. UHAUL, MEOC Case No. 20093107 (Ex. Dec. 02/08/12)
- James v. Klein Dickert Co., Inc., MEOC Case No. 20612 (Ex. Dec. 2/23/89)
- Joe v. Sunny Knoll Liquor, MEOC Case No. 3070 (Ex. Dec. 9/18/81)
- Johnson v. Hy-Vee, MEOC Case No. 20142051 (Ex. Dec. 06/15/2016)
- Johnson v. Madison Taxi, MEOC Case No. 20093110 (Ex. Dec. on atty. fees: 02/22/2013, Aff'd Madison Taxi v. Madison Equal Opportunities Commission, City of Madison, John Goodwin and Nathanial Johnson, Case No. 12CV1304 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 10/25/2012), aff'd Comm. Dec. 02/28/2012, Ex. Dec. on liability: 09/07/2011, Ex. Dec. on sanctions: 5/28/2010)
- Johnson and Goodwin v. Madison Taxi. See Goodwin v. Madison Taxi and Johnson v. Madison Taxi
- Johnson v. Webcrafters, MEOC Case No. 20042097 (Comm. Dec. 8/25/06, Ex. Dec. 3/30/06)
- Jones v. Madison Serv. Corp., MEOC Case No. 2574 (Ex. Dec. 11/24/81)
- Jones v. Safe Rider Program, MEOC Case No. 19983045 (Ex. Dec. 4/6/99)
- Joseph v. The Swiss Colony, MEOC Case No. 20984 (Ex. Dec.6/28/89)
- Kabir v. Electrolux, MEOC Case No. 22485 (Ex. Dec. 11/11/96)
- Kennen v. CWAG, MEOC Case No. 2012042 (Ex. Dec. 05/23/2017)
- Kidau v. Starbucks Coffee Company, MEOC Case No. 20183166 (Ex. Dec. 04/15/2022)
- Krasnick v. Solner, MEOC Case No. 3190 (Ex. Dec. on evidence 10/27/88, 7/25/89)
- Krebs v. Don Miller Pontiac Subaru, Inc., MEOC Case No. 22127 (Ex. Dec. on jurisdiction 3/29/96)
- Laboratory Consulting, Inc. v. MEOC and City of Madison, No. 87-2266 (Ct. App. 12/22/88)
- Laboratory Consulting, Inc. v. MEOC and City of Madison, 86 CV 6488 and 86 CV 6673 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 8/24/87)
- Laboratory Consulting, Inc. v. MEOC, et al., No. 85 CV 6300 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 8/29/86)
- Laboratory Consulting, Inc., v. Hilgers and MEOC and City of Madison, 85 CV 6300 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 8/20/86)
- Laitinen-Schultz v. TLC Wisconsin Laser Center, MEOC Case No. 19982001 (Ex. Dec. 7/1/2003)
- Laitsch v. Llama Imports, Ltd., MEOC Case No. 2656 (Comm. Dec. 12/10/81, Ex. Dec. 7/16/81)
- Larry v. Peterson, MEOC Case No. 20051069 (Ex. Dec. 7/8/08, Ex. Dec. atty. fees 9/2/09 aff'd Comm. Dec. 3/23/10)
- Lassiter v. Epic Systems, MEOC Case No. 20201100, (Ex. Dec. 08/29/2022)
- Lawler v. Madison Metropolitan School District, MEOC Case No. 20102194 (Ex. Dec. 07/20/11)
- Lazar v. Madison Metro. Sch. Dist., MEOC Case No. 2472 (Comm. Dec. 6/26/81, Ex. Dec. 12/16/80)
- Leatherberry v. GTE, MEOC Case No. 21124 (Comm. Dec. 4/14/93, Ex. Dec. 1/5/93)
- Lee v. National Conference of Bar Examiners, MEOC Case No. 20032014 (Comm. Dec. 10/20/05, Ex. Dec. 4/21/05)
- Lewis v. Creative Community Living Services, Inc., MEOC Case No. 21063 (Comm. Dec. 4/14/93, Ex. Dec. 9/28/92)
- Lewis v. Delaney's Charcoal Steaks, MEOC Case No. 19993093 (Comm. Dec. 1/18/02, Ex. Dec. 2/1/01)
- Lewis v. Lewitzke, MEOC Case No. 1160 (Ex. Dec. 9/11/79)
- Lindas v. MATC, MEOC Case No. 20256 (Ex. Dec. 3/11/85)
- Lions v. Capital Fitness, MEOC Case No. 20003060 (Ex. Dec. 5/22/01)
- Llanos v. Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation, MEOC Case No. 20142060
- Lyne v. Dayton Pinckney Associates, et al., MEOC Case No. 1553 (Ex. Dec. 6/4/93)
- Lynes v. Marquip, Inc., MEOC Case No. 21797 (Ex. Dec. 12/12/94)
- Maas v. Woodman's Food Markets, Inc., MEOC Case No. 21724 (Ex. Dec. 8/4/94)
- Mack v. Kayser Automotive Group, MEOC Case No. 20043144 (Comm. Dec. 4/1/08, Ex. Dec. 9/18/07)
- Madalon v. Midcontinent Broadcasting; WTSO-AM/WZEE-FM, MEOC Case No. 21531 (Ex. Dec. 1/5/93)
- Madison Gas and Electric Co. v. Equal Opportunities Commission of the City of Madison and Schoenemann, 93 CV 0894 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 11/22/93) See Schoenemann v. Madison Gas and Electric
- Madison Gen. Hosp. v. MEOC (Dayton), No. 81-CV-1925 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 7/9/82)
- Madison Newspapers, Inc. v. EOC, City of Madison, et al, No. 87-C-479-S (W.D. Wis. 1987)
- Madison Taxi v. Madison Equal Opportunities Commission, City of Madison, John Goodwin and Nathanial Johnson, Case No. 12CV1304 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 10/25/2012). See Goodwin v. Madison Taxi and Johnson v. Madison Taxi
- Magee v. John Neal Company. Inc. et al., MEOC Case No. 20777 (Ex. Dec. 8/29/89)
- Magna Publishing v. MEOC (Ashford), No. 00-CV-2908 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 7/26/01)
- Maier v. Sam's Club, MEOC Case No. 19992203 (Aff'd Sam's Club, Inc. v. MEOC (Maier), Case No. 02-2024 (Ct. App. 07/24/2003); rev'd and dismissed Sam's Club, Inc. v. MEOC (Maier), Case No. 01CV2943 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 07/19/2002); aff'd Comm. Dec. 10/01/2001; Ex. Dec. on liability: 03/30/2001).
- Matlack v. Badger Produce, MEOC Case No. 2394 (Comm. Dec. 8/9/79, Ex. Dec. 5/11/79) See State ex rel. Badger Produce v. MEOC (Matlack)
- Maxson v. Means Servs., MEOC Case No. 2783 (Comm. Dec. 6/15/83, Ex. Dec. 11/18/82)
- Maxson v. MEOC (Means Servs.), No. 84 CV 4150 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 7/18/85)
- Maxwell v. Union Cab Cooperative, MEOC Case No. 21028 (Comm. Dec. 7/10/92, Ex. Dec. 12/31/91) See Union Cab Cooperative v. Equal Opportunities Comm'n of the City of Madison and Maxwell
- May v. State Medical Society, MEOC Case No. 2584 (Comm. Dec. 4/21/82, Ex. Dec. 10/20/81) See Painters Union Local 802 v. Madison Newspapers Inc.
- McCann-Smith v. St. Mary's Hospital, MEOC Case No. 20092160 (Ex. Dec. 11/3/10)
- McCarter v. Wisconsin Power and Light, MEOC Case No. 20471 (Comm. Dec. 3/26/87, Ex. Dec. 12/29/86)
- McDonnell-Douglas v. Green, 411 U.S. 792 (1973)
- McFayden v. University Bookstore, MEOC Case No. 2539 (Comm. Dec. 6/29/81, Ex. Dec. 2/3/81)
- McFayden v. MEOC (University Bookstore), No. 81-CV-3744 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 11/15/82)
- McGhee v. YMCA of Dane County, MEOC Case No. 20142153 (Ex. Dec. 09/13/2018, 08/09/2018, 11/06/2017)
- McKoy v. Prange Way, MEOC Case No. 21639 (Ex. Dec. 1/31/95)
- Meeker v. Hovde Realty, Inc./James Hovde, MEOC Case No. 22034 (Ex. Dec. on jurisdiction 4/28/97, 8/10/99)
- Meyer v. Ho-Chunk Gaming-Madison, MEOC Case No. 20142034 (Ex. Dec. re: jurisdict. 12/11/2014)
- Meyer v. MATC, MEOC Case No. 2603 (Comm. Dec. 11/9/81, Ex. Dec. 6/16/81)
- Meyer v. Purlie's Cafe South, MEOC Case No. 3282 (Comm. Dec. 10/5/94, Ex. Dec. 4/6/94 on attorney's fees: Ex. Dec. 3/20/95)
- Midstokke v. Southridge Village Apartments, MEOC Case No. 20071119 (Ex. Dec. 02/21/2012, aff'd Comm. Dec. 08/13/12)
- Miller v. CUNA, MEOC Case No. 20042175 (Ex. Dec. 5/16/08)
- Mitchell v. Marge's Amoco, MEOC Case No. 21935 (Ex. Dec. 12/15/95)
- Monroe v. Swiss Colony, MEOC Case No. 2534 (Ex. Dec. 9/5/80)
- Moore v. Leader Nursing and Rehabilitation Ctr., MEOC Case No. 21810 (Comm. Dec. 10/13/94, Ex. Dec. 5/6/94)
- Morgan v. Community Action Comm., MEOC Case No. 2642 (Ex. Dec. 2/12/82)
- Morgan v. Hazelton Labs, MEOC Case No. 21005 (Ex. Dec. 4/2/93)
- Morris v. Madison Kipp Corp., MEOC Case No. 21302 (Ex. Dec. 11/20/92)
- Mosley v. Gantos, MEOC Case No. 22247 (Ex. Dec. 8/20/97)
- Moyer, Carey and Kaatz v. Thrift Painting and Genesis Companies Inc., MEOC Case Nos. 22440, 22441, 22447, 22448, 22449, and 22450 (Ex. Dec. 7/7/97)
- Mullen v. Answer Madison-TDS, MEOC Case No. 21815 (Comm. Dec. 3/13/97, Ex. Dec. 4/12/96)
- Murphy v. Woodman's and Kellahue, MEOC Case No. 21688 (Comm. Dec. 10/26/93)
- Mutchler v. The Disney Store, MEOC Case No. 19982193 (Ex. Dec. 9/25/02)
- Nancy Gathing v. Madison Equal Opportunities Commission, et al., 92 CV 0677 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 3/16/93)
- Neal v. US Bank, MEOC Case No. 20112019 (Ex. Dec. 03/08/2013)
- Nelson v. Weight Loss Clinic of America, Inc. et al., MEOC Case No. 20684 (Ex. Dec. 9/29/89)
- Newton v. MATC, MEOC Case No. 2242 (Ex. Dec. 2/20/78)
- Nichols v. Buck's Madison Square Garden Tavern, MEOC Case No. 20033011 (Ex. Dec. 10/14/03; Ex. Dec. 11/08/05; Comm. Dec. 05/22/06; aff'd Daily dba Buck's Madison Square Garden Tavern v. EOC, City of Madison, 06CV1931 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 03/30/07))
- Nichols v. Mental Health Center of Dane County, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20053154 (Ex. Dec. 8/6/09, aff'd Comm. Dec. 4/14/10)
- Nolan v. Ho-Chunk Gaming Wisconsin, MEOC Case No. 20142101 (Ex. Dec. on jurisdict. 06/08/2015)
- Norris v. Cost Cutters of Madison, MEOC Case No. 20052134 (Rev'd and remanded Comm. Dec. 03/12/2014; Ex. Dec. on remand from Comm. 01/25/2013; Comm. Interim Dec. 01/21/2009; Ex. Dec. on Damages 06/24/2008; Comm. Dec. 07/03/2007; Ex. Dec. 05/11/2007)
- Northport Apts. v. MEOC (Carey), No. 80-CV-2680 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 3/12/81)
- Obriecht v. Midwest Infinity Group, MEOC Case No. 20162022 (Ex. Dec. on fees: 04/21/2017; Ex. Dec. on liability: 03/24/2017; Ex. Dec. on mot. to add party: 02/01/2017; Ex. Dec. on mot. to dismiss: 02/01/2017)
- Obriecht v. Woodmans, MEOC Case No. 20172014 (Comm. Dec. 09/11/2018)
- Obriecht v. Laserwords US, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20152151 (Comm. Dec. 02/18/2019, 10/04/2018)
- Olson and Popp v. YMCA, MEOC Case No. 3110 (Comm. Dec. 10/10/85, Ex. Dec. 3/21/85)
- Omachinski v. Seireg, MEOC Case No. 1395 (Ex. Dec. 5/2/89)
- Oscar Boldt Construction Company v. City of Madison et al., 94 CV 3781 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 5/11/95 oral dec. affirming Comm. Dec.)
- Ossia v. Rush, MEOC Case No. 1377 (Ex. Dec. 6/7/88)
- Osuocha v. Badger Bowl, MEOC Case No. 20143151 (Ex. Dec. re: jurisdict. 08/11/2015)
- Oviawe v. Madison United Hospital Laundry. Ltd., MEOC Case No. 20723 (Comm. Dec. 8/3/90, Ex. Dec. 9/29/89)
- Pagel v. Elder Care of Dane County, MEOC Case No. 22442 (Ex. Dec. 10/31/96)
- Painters Union Local 802 v. Madison Newspapers, Inc., MEOC Case No. 3165 (Ex. Dec. 5/23/87) See Madison Newspapers, Inc. V. EOC, City of Madison, et al
- Paragon Restaurant Group, Inc. v. Madison EOC and Harris, No. 91-1267 (Ct. App. 6/18/92 unpublished)
- Paragon Restaurant Group, Inc. v. Madison EOC and Harris, 90 CV 1139 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 2/14/90)
- Perez v. Affiliated Carriage Systems, MEOC Case No. 20938 (Comm. Dec. 6/3/92, Ex. Dec. 12/30/91)
- Perez v. Kupfer Iron Wks., MEOC Case No. 2700 (Comm. Dec. 6/10/82, Ex. Dec. 2/8/82)
- Perry v. Isthmus Publishing Company, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20013067 (Ex. Dec. 10/17/2003, Ex. Dec. 1/12/2004).
- Perry v. Women's Transit Authority, MEOC Case No. 20013068 (Ex. Dec. 10/17/2003)
- Pesselman v. Thomas Link, d/b/a Bellevue Apartments, MEOC Case No. 20021153 (Ex. Dec. 5/26/2005)
- Peterson v. Fisca Oil, MEOC Case No. 3040 (Ex. Dec. 8/22/78)
- Peterson v. Madison Metropolitan School District, MEOC Case No. 22728 (Ex. Dec. 11/16/01)
- Petzold v. Princeton Club, MEOC Case No. 3252 (Ex. Dec. 2/15/94 and 5/10/94)
- Pflaum v. Union Transfer and Storage, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20002092 (Ex. Dec. 4/5/02)
- Pham v. Respite Emer. Crisis Center, MEOC Case No. 2676 (Ex. Dec. 8/26/81)
- Plummer v. CUNA Mutual Group, MEOC Case No. 20092108 (Ex. Dec. 10/11/2017)
- Pollard v. Rohy, LLC, MEOD Case No. 20151168
- Potter v. Madison Gospel Tabernacle, MEOC Case No. 21269 (Ex. Dec. 2/14/94)
- Puent v. Corning Besselaar Clinical Research Units, Inc., MEOC Case No. 22366 (Ex. Dec. on jurisdiction 1/10/97)
- Quinn-Gruber v. Wis. Physician's Serv., MEOC Case No. 2877 (Comm. Dec, 1/27/83, Ex. Dec. 9/27/82)
- Randall v Africana Restaurant & Lounge, MEOC Case No. 20082190 (Ex. Dec. 06/16/2016)
- Rape Crisis Center, Inc. v. City of Madison, MEOC and Schultz, 92 CV 648 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 8/19/92) See Schultz v. Rape Crisis Center - Chimera Self Defense
- Rappe v. Soderholm Wholesale Foods, Inc., MEOC Case No. 21811 (Ex. Dec. 12/13/93)
- Rathmann v. Women's Transit Authority, MEOC Case No. 3391 (Comm. Dec. 8/9/01, Ex. Dec. 1/26/01), dismissed on procedural grounds, No. 01-CV-2439 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 6/10/02)
- Rathmann v. Women's Transit Authority, MEOC Case No. 20013061 (Ex. Dec. 10/17/2003, Comm. Dec. 2/26/2004)
- Reagan v. P.A. Bergner d/b/a Boston Store, MEOC Case No. 21832 (Ex. Dec. 2/7/95).
- Regan v. Lyons Mortgage Co., MEOC Case No. 20846 (Ex. Dec. 1/31/89)
- Reid v. PDQ, MEOC Case No. 21680 (Ex. Dec. 7/1/94)
- Rhone v. Marquip, MEOC Case No. 20967 (Ex. Dec. on summary judgment 4/5/89, on liability 7/31/89)
- Rhyne v. Employment & Training Association, MEOC Case No. 22723 (Ex. Dec. 4/6/99)
- Rhyne v. Kelley Williamson's Mobil, MEOC Case No. 20092086 (Ex. Dec. 03/30/11, 2nd Ex. Dec. 11/30/11, Comm. Dec. 05/23/12)
- Rhyne v. Madison Metropolitan School District, MEOC Case No. 20092030 (Ex. Dec. 06/09/11)
- Robbins v. Walsh Clinic, MEOC Case No. 2512 (Comm. Dec. 2/20/81, Ex. Dec. 10/10/80)
- Robinson v. Bridges Golf Course, MEOC Case No. 20092058 (Ex. Dec. 07/27/12)
- Robinson v. Electronic Data Systems, MEOC Case No. 2559 (Ex. Dec. 1/7/81)
- Rogers v. CPC Logistics, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20152122 (Ex. Dec. on mot. to dismiss: 03/30/2016)
- Rogers v. New Horizons, MEOC Case No. 19982232 (Ex. Dec. 8/10/99)
- Rogers v. Stop-n-Go, MEOC Case No. 2437 (Ex. Dec. 7/16/81)
- Rolack v. Pizza Hut, MEOC Case No. 22355 (Ex. Dec. 1/22/98)
- Rolack v. Pizza Hut, MEOC Case No. 22355 (2nd Ex. Dec. 2/11/00)
- Rolack v. Speedway Self Service, MEOC Case No. 22354 (Ex. Dec. 12/5/97)
- Rolack v. Speedway Self Service, MEOC Case No. 22354 (2nd Ex. Dec. 2/11/00)
- Rose v. Kippcast, MEOC Case No. 20851 (Ex. Dec. 9/29/89)
- Rose v. Marquip, MEOC Case No. 21026 (Ex. Dec. 6/29/89)
- Rosin v. Rite-Way Leasing Company, MEOC Case No. 19982206 (Comm. Dec. 4/22/02, Ex. Dec. 10/3/01)
- Ruiz v. Attic Correctional Services, Inc., MEOC Case No. 22104 (Comm. Dec. 6/5/95)
- Rumph v. Ohio Medical Products, MEOC Case No. 2946 (Comm. Dec. 8/4/83, Ex. Dec. 3/24/83)
- Sajdak v. UPS, MEOC Case No. 20132091 (Ex. Dec. 12/14/17)
- Sam's Club, Inc. v. MEOC (Maier), Case No. 01CV2943 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 07/19/2002). See Maier v. Sam's Club, MEOC Case No. 19992203.
- Sam's Club, Inc. v. MEOC (Maier), Case No. 02-2024 (Ct. App. 07/24/2003). See Maier v. Sam's Club, MEOC Case No. 19992203.
- Sanchez v. Neighborhood Youth Corps., MEOC Case No. 2192A (Ex. Dec. 11/23/76)
- Sanders v. U-Haul Company of Western Wisconsin, MEOC Case No. 20288 (Ex. Dec. 5/22/85)
- Sandoval v. Capitoland Christian Center Church, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20152033, EEOC Case No. 26B201500021, (Ct. App. 02/24/2022, Comm. Dec. 03/02/2020, Ex. Dec. 05/13/2019)
- Schenk v. Domestic Abuse Intervention Services, Inc., MEOC Case No. 03384 (Comm. Dec. on request to reconsider final order 9/27/99; Comm. Dec. 8/20/99, Ex. Dec. 3/26/99)
- Schenk v. MEOC, et al., No. 02-CV-885 (Dane Cty. Cir. Ct. 6/21/02)
- Schenk v. Women's Transit Authority, MEOC Case No. 3377 (Ex. Dec. 3/17/99)
- Schenk v. Women's Transit Authority, MEOC Case No. 3377 (Comm. Dec. 8/9/01, 2nd Ex. Dec. 1/26/01), dismissed on procedural grounds, No. 01-CV-2439 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 6/10/02)
- Schoenemann v. Madison Gas and Electric, MEOC Case No. 21699 (Comm. Dec. 1/28/93, Ex. Dec. 7/31/92)
- Schrankler v. Best Buy Stores, L.P., MEOC Case No. 20122001 (Ex. Dec. 09/08/2017, Ex. Dec. on recusal: 08/26/2014)
- Schultz v. Caluori & Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc., MEOC Case No. 21259 (Ex. Dec. 7/16/91)
- Schultz v. Madison Senior Center, MEOC Case No. 3188 (Comm. Dec. 5/24/90, Ex. Dec. 9/15/89)
- Schultz v. Rape Crisis Center - Chimera Self-Defense, MEOC Case No. 3200 (Comm. Dec. 1/9/92, Ex. Dec. 8/1/91, on remand 10/6/94)
- Schulz v. Ultratec, Inc., MEOC Case No. 21584 (Ex. Dec. 9/2/94)
- Schwartz v. American Red Cross, Badger Chapter, MEOC Case No. 20062003 (Ex. Dec. 4/9/10)
- Scott v. United Neighborhood Centers, MEOC Case No. 20464 (Comm. Dec. 1/7/87, Ex. Dec. 7/31/86) See United Neighborhood Center v. City of Madison EOC and Scott
- Seals v. Madison Convalescent Center, MEOC Case No. 21357 (Comm. Dec. 1/9/92, Ex. Dec. 8/5/91)
- Seshadri v. David Ward, et al., MEOC Case No. 22393 (Ex. Dec. on jurisdiction, 8/7/96)
- Settle v. Harbor Residential Services, Inc., MEOC Case No. 1633 (Comm. Dec. 1/3/96)
- Severson v. Kaplan, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20112122 (Ex. Dec. 12/22/11)
- Siebert v. Backey & Assoc., MEOC Case No. 2694 (Ex. Dec. 7/8/81)
- Smith v. SPi CRM, Inc. n/k/a Inspiro, MEOC Case No. 20192154, (Ex. Dec. 12/12/2022)
- Sprague v. Rowe & Hacklander-Ready, MEOC Case No. 1462 (Comm. Dec. on attorney's fees 2/9/98, Comm. Dec. 7/10/92, 2/10/94, Ex. Dec. 12/27/91) See State of Wisconsin ex rel. Caryl Sprague v. City of Madison et al.
- Sprague v. Rowe & Hacklander-Ready, No. 94-2983 (Ct. App. 9/26/96)
- St. Vincent De Paul Society v. MEOC, No. 83-1105 (Ct. App. 10/25/84)
- Stanton v. Dairy Equipment, MEOC Case No. 2540 (Ex. Dec. 6/9/82)
- Starin v. Elks Club, MEOC Case No. 2871 (Ex. Dec. 9/14/82)
- State ex rel. Adams v. MEOC, (Northport Packers), No. 82-CV-1637 (Dane County Cir.Ct., 6/9/83)
- State ex rel. Area Vocational, Technical and Adult Education District No. 4 v. Equal Opportunities Commission of the City of Madison and Clifford E. Blackwell, 91 CV 1537 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 7/29/91)
- State ex rel. Elizabeth Busto v. MEOC and WP&L, 90 CV 1594 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 1/9/91)
- State ex rel. McDonald's Restaurant (Karaffa) v. MEOC, No. 83-1571 (Ct. App. 8/28/84)
- State ex rel. McDonald's Restaurant v. MEOC (Karaffa), No. 82-CV-2423 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 7/6/83)
- State ex. rel. Badger Produce v. MEOC (Matlack), No. 79-CV-4405 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 9/23/80), aff'd per curiam, No. 80-1906 (Ct. App. 7/16/81)
- State ex. rel. Northport Apts. v. MEOC (Carey), No. 163-429 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 7/78)
- State Medical Society v. MEOC (May), No. 82-CV-2560 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 3/2/83)
- State of Wisconsin ex rel. Caryl Sprague v. City of Madison and City of Madison Equal Opportunities Commission, Ann Hacklander-Ready and Moreen Rowe, No. 94-2983 (Ct. App. 9/26/96)
- State of Wisconsin ex rel. Caryl Sprague v. City of Madison et al., 93 CV 113 (Dane County Cir. Ct., 8/19/93, 9/30/94)
- Steele v. Highlander Motor Inn et al., MEOC Case No. 3326 (Comm. Dec. 8/31/95, Ex. Dec. on liability 3/24/95, on attorney's fees 1/25/96)
- Steinbach v. Meriter Health Services, Inc., MEOC Case No. 22125 (Ex. Dec. 11/11/97, on motion to dismiss 2/19/96)
- Steinbring v. Oakwood Lutheran Homes, MEOC Case No. 2763 (Comm. Dec. 3/10/83, Ex. Dec. 2/11/82)
- Stenbroten v. Wis. Dairy Herd Improvement Coop, MEOC Case No. 2849 (Comm. Dec. 11/30/84, Ex. Dec. 6/1/84)
- Stinson v. Bell Laboratory, MEOC Case No. 20762 (Comm. Dec. 12/14/89, Ex. Dec. 3/17/89)
- Strachan v. Independent Living, MEOC Case No. 2778 (Ex. Dec. 8/24/82)
- Stubblefield v. Hewitt, Minor League Director & Little League Baseball, Inc., MEOC Case No. 3283 (Ex. Dec. 4/2/92)
- Studinski v. Madison Property Management, Inc., MEOC Case No. 21298 (Ex. Dec. 7/9/92)
- Sujud v. Madison Newspaper, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20042123 (Comm. Dec. 10/20/05)
- Sveum v. Guanajuatence, MEOC Case No. 20112102 (Ex. Dec. 8/1/2013)
- Syverud v. Journey Mental Health, MEOC Case No. 20142170 (Comm. Dec. 08/23/2018)
- Teich v. Center for Prevention and Intervention, MEOC Case No. 20002153 (Ex. Dec. 6/12/02, On Fees 8/5/02)
- Terry v. YWCA Madison, MEOC Case No. 20051011 (Ex. Dec. 10/08/07; Ex. Dec. Costs & Fees 1/4/08; Comm. Dec. Final Order 9/19/08)
- Thomas v. Oscar Mayer Foods Corp., MEOC Case No. 21220 (Ex. Dec. 5/23/97)
- Thompson v. Burlington Coat Factory, MEOC Case No. 20053210 (Ex. Dec. 9/11/06)
- Thompson v. St. Mary's Hospital Medical Center, MEOC Case No. 21734 (Ex. Dec. 3/8/94)
- Thompson v. Wis. Life, MEOC Case No. 2479 (Ex. Dec. 10/13/81)
- Toomer v. Meriter Hospital, MEOC Case No. 21582 (Ex. Dec. 11/10/92)
- Trost v. Nottingham Cooperative, MEOC Case No. 20201100, (Ex. Dec. 12/08/2021)
- U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors v. Aikens, 103 S. Ct. 1478 (1983)
- Ulsrud v. MATC, MEOC Case No. 3038 (Comm. Dec. 1/18/77, Ex. Dec. 9/9/76)
- Union Cab Cooperative v. Equal Opportunities Comm'n of the City of Madison, 92 CV 3260 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 12/1/94)
- Union Cab Cooperative v. Equal Opportunities Comm'n of the City of Madison and Maxwell, No. 93-0657 (Ct. App. 3/24/94)
- Union Cab Cooperative v. Equal Opportunities Comm'n of the City of Madison and Maxwell, No. 95-0190 (Ct. App. 9/20/95)
- United Neighborhood Center v. City of Madison EOC and Scott, 87 CV 744 (Dane County Cir. Ct. 1/21/88)
- United States v. Trustees of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, 472 F. Supp. 1174 (E.D. Wis., 1979)
- Vance v. Eastex Packaging, MEOC Case No. 20107 (Ex. Dec. 5/21/85)
- Velazquez-Aguilu v. Abercrombie & Fitch, MEOC Case No. 03398 (Comm. Dec. 7/20/99, Ex. Dec. 3/30/99)
- Verdecia v. McDonald's Restaurant, MEOC Case No. 21661 (Ex. Dec. 5/2/93)
- Villarreal v. Madison Metropolitan School District, MEOC Case No. 21122 (Comm. Dec. 6/28/94, Ex. Dec. 12/27/93, Ex. Interim Dec. 1/22/93)
- Vivas v. Summit Credit Union, MEOC Case No. 20112019 (Ex. Dec. 05/09/12, Ex. Dec. on jurisdiction 05/09/12)
- Vogt v. Best Buy Stores, L.P., MEOC Case No. 22749 (Ex. Dec. 3/26/01)
- Wakefield v. Simonson Bros. of Wisconsin, Inc., MEOC Case No. 20112017 (aff'd Comm. Dec. 06/16/2014; Ex. Dec. on liability: 04/19/2013)
- Wales v. Affiliated Carriage Systems Inc., MEOC Case No. 20122017 (Ex. Dec. 07/11/2016)
- Walters v. Schmudlach, MEOC Case No. 20131144 (Ex. Dec. on mot. to show cause: 10/28/2014; Ex. Dec. on jurisdict.: 03/03/2014)
- Watson v. The River Food Pantry, MEOC Case No. 20162067 (Ex. Dec. on accommodation 08/31/2017; Ex. Dec. on mot. to dismiss 08/04/2017)
- J West and L West v. Dutch Mill Homes, MEOC Case Nos. 20201055 and 20201067, (Ex. Dec. 11/05/2021, Comm. Dec. 06/29/2022)
- White v. Work Bench Inc., MEOC Case No. 19982018 (Ex. Dec. 12/15/98)
- Whiteagle v. Badger Mechanical, MEOC Case No. 20133 (Comm. Dec. 1/31/86, 8/6/86, Ex. Dec. on liability 6/14/85, on damages 9/25/85, on remand 4/28/86)
- Whitt v. Catholic Charities, MEOC Case No. 20062043 (Comm. Dec. 3/5/07)
- Whitt v. Madison Taxi, MEOC Case No. 3397 (Comm. Dec. 7/3/98)
- Wiggins v. Shakey's Pizza and Buffet and Richard Skillrud, MEOC Case No. 21409 (Ex. Dec. 2/2/94)
- Wilker v. Bermuda's Night Club, MEOC Case No. 3221 (Ex. Dec. 7/10/89)
- Williams and Oden v. Sinha et al., MEOC Case No. 1605 (Comm. Dec. 7/25/96, Ex. Dec. 12/23/96)
- Williams v. China House Restaurant, MEOC Case No. 3067 (Ex. Dec. 11/26/80)
- William (f/k/a Stevenson) v. Copps Food Center, MEOC Case No. 20042113 (Ex. Dec. 2/9/2005)
- Williams v. Foot Locker, MEOC Case No. 3375 (Comm. Dec. 8/29/97)
- Williams v. Madison Metropolitan School District and Verona Bus Service Inc., MEOC Case No. 3303 (Ex. Dec. 8/26/92)
- Williams v. Millans Treasure Chest, MEOC Case No. 3374 (Comm. Dec. 8/29/97)
- Wilson v. Madison Concourse Hotel, MEOC Case No. 20072249 (Ex. Dec. 05/18/2012)
- Witten v. Firestone Complete Auto Care, MEOC Case No. 20092026 (Ex. Dec. 9/8/10)
- Wollschlager v. Hy-Vee, MEOC Case No. 20142022 (Ex. Dec. 06/16/2017; Ex. Dec. re: mot. to stay 07/28/2015)
- Woods v. Sara Lee Bakery, MEOC Case No. 20042176 (Ex. Dec. 4/25/2006)
- Wopat v. St. Vincent de Paul Society, MEOC Case No. 2551 (Ex. Dec. 10/7/80)
- Wroblewski v. Rock-A-Bye Youth Center, MEOC Case No. 20206 (Ex. Dec. 1/24/85)
- Wrolstad v. Cuna Mutual Group, MEOC Case No. 20102042 (Ex. Dec. on mot. to dismiss: 04/23/2015)
- Yang v. American Family Insur. Group, MEOC Case No. 20112016 (Comm. Dec. 09/08/2017; Ex. Dec. on liability: 01/19/2017)
- Yeamans v. RRDS, MEOC Case No. 20172144 (Ex. Dec. 2/8/18)
- Young v. Nakoma Golf Club, MEOC Case No. (Ex. Dec. 4/19/2005)
- Zabit v. Kraft Foods et al., MEOC Case No. 22563 (Ex. Dec. 5/19/98)
- Zitnick v. Capitol Lakes, MEOC Case No. 20092085 (Ex. Dec. 3/2/10)