Navigation: Engineering Project Processes



Another opportunity for city processes' navigation. Today let's focus on Engineering Projects!  These Navigation oriented updates are intend to facilitate understanding of how to find information and to provide some insight on how the city operates. If there is an agency or process that peaks your interest, please feel free to share your input. 

I strongly believe that communication is one of the most important aspects of any relationship or any organization.  I don't have a perfect formula on what is the right amount of communication.  But I do know that misleading information, designed to generate fear, hysteria, and confusion is worse than no communication at all.  As your alder, I make judgment calls on when to release information.  Do I have enough information to allow for informed decision-making? Is the information complete and clear?  For example, I use my blog to communicate public information meetings associated with projects in the district.  I avoid using my blog to make assumptions about upcoming projects or to make guesses on project plans that are in development.  

The city of Madison has over 40 agencies, many divisions and employs more than 3,000 people.  There is no denying that communication is an area that needs improvement at both the city and council levels.  As your alder, I am directly accessible to you via phone and/or email.  If you have questions about a project or any concerns at all there should be no hesitation on your part to reach out. 

It is important to form opinions based on facts.  Understanding processes is a good starting point and allows us to have intelligent and intentional conversations.


Let's learn together

Engineering projects & processes:

  1. Planning of projects expand over multiple years – not all projects are acted upon

  2. Project engineers reach out to the Alder(s) when they start working on a project, usually a few weeks before scheduling a public information meeting (PIM).  

    1. The PIM is the first official contact with the residents to discuss the project and its potential impacts. 

    2. PIMs are held for all projects.  Most projects end up having one or two PIMs but additional PIM's are held if needed. 

  3. Projects that include arterial or collector streets are brought to the Transportation Commission to get the commissioners' initial thoughts and comments

    1. This meeting is intended for the commissioner's input but there is access for the public to voice their input, opinions, and/or concerns 

  4. After the Transportation meeting, the staff presents the project to the residents and holds a PIM.  

    1. This initiates community outreach and engagement

    2. Meeting dates are firmed, and notification cards are mailed to impacted residents   

    3. Usually, two meetings are held one in the afternoon and another mid-day

    4. Depending on input additional meetings may be scheduled

  5. After receiving public input at the PIM staff goes back to the Transportation Commission

    1. At this meeting, staff presents their findings and recommendation(s) to the commissioners 

    2. This is yet another opportunity for the public to voice their input, opinions, and/or concerns 

  6. The next step is the Board of Public Works where plans/specs/assessments are reviewed

    1. This is yet another opportunity for the public to voice their input, opinions, and/or concerns 

  7. Then the project goes to the Common Council for the approval 

    1. Where guess what?  This is yet another opportunity for the public to voice their input, opinions, and/or concerns 

  8. After Council approval, the first advertisement for bids are initiated

  9. Project starts

I want to pause here and thank the staff for answering all my process-related questions.  And for the support provided when addressing any issues, concerns and inquiries received from our district.

Hammersley Resurfacing Project Steps:

  1. This project is to remove and replace sanitary sewer main and laterals, water main and services, storm sewer and private storm sewer connections, curb & gutter, asphalt pavement, driveway aprons, and sidewalk as needed.

    1. In this case, the first time there was an indication that the Hammersley project was to be acted upon in 2022 was the capital budget process (Agency's Requests May 25, 2021)

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  1. 11/17/21 - Staff reached out and introduced a resolution needed to establish the "Hammersley Road Resurfacing Assessment District – 2022" – This resolution provides a description of the area, high-level project scope and directs Engineering to initiate the plan and cost assessments.  

  2. On 1/4/22 another notification was received to inform me of changes to the project, it was decided to split the work into two projects due to budget constraints. 

    1. "Splitting up the project will allow the Water Utility to replace all their water main from Brookwood to the Beltline, which was their original intention, but they did not have the budget to do all of it in 2022. In addition, we are going to bring the project informally to the Transportation Commission on January 12th to introduce the project and go over some potential alternatives. Hammersley Rd is included in the Madison Comprehensive Plan as having Tier 1 sidewalk need so we want to look at some alternatives early on that could expand the scope of the project beyond a typical resurfacing."

  3. 1/11/22 – Planner from Engineering reached out to alders to discuss potential dates for PIM

    1. Both alders provided availability, staff coordinated the meeting schedule at their end, and we settled for potential dates which are now firmed, and I am comfortable sharing:

      1. Tuesday, February 8, 6:00 pm

      2. Wednesday, February 9, 12:00 pm

    2. Website updated after dates were confirmed

  4. 1/12/22 – Informal presentation intended to collect commissioner's input took place

    1. Commissioners provided input and public testimony was welcomed and input received was mostly favorable

  5. NEXT STEP the PIM meetings

    1. Postcard notifications will be sent via US Postal mail for:

      1. Tuesday, February 8, 6:00 pm

      2. Wednesday, February 9, 12:00 pm

    2. I will post reminders on my blog

If it's determined that no additional PIMs are required, these are the next steps and tentative dates:

  1. 2/23/22 present to Transportation Commission

  2. 3/2/22 approve plans/specs/assessments at Board of Public Work

  3. 3/15/22 approve plans/specs/assessments at Common Council

  4. 3/24/22 first advertisement for bids

  5. 6/20/22 approximate start date

The Project:

As infrastructure ages it must be replaced, Hammersley's sanitary sewer main and laterals, water main and services, storm sewer and private storm sewer connections need replacement.  To maximize the project efforts street improvements are also taken into consideration such as curb & gutter, asphalt pavement, driveway aprons, and sidewalks.  The cost of the repairs is shared between the city and the properties that directly benefit from those repairs.

At the Transportation meeting, staff got the opportunity to share their plans with the commissioners in regards to the street improvements.  They came prepared with multiple solutions for the commissioners to discuss and collect recommendations.  Engineers took into consideration the street's width, the presence of trees, and current safety concerns among other things.  Since taking the role as your alder, Hammersley Road has generated several safety complaints, Engineering and MPD have collaborated and brainstormed on how to address some of the issues brought to our attention.  

Why is it important that I share the most up-to-date information?  Because sharing partial or incomplete data only generates confusion.  Confusion creates mistrust and unnecessary anxiety.  This project is an opportunity to make Hammersley a safe place for all.  This project aligns with the Safe Street efforts and provides safer conditions for pedestrians and bikers.  Furthermore, the safety of those that frequently use the street comes without the additional cost burden of sidewalks or extra sidewalks' maintenance responsibilities.

Engineering has come up with a very thoughtful and cost-effective plan for this project.  I am looking forward to your additional input at the upcoming meeting Tuesday, February 8, 6:00 pm.  Mark your calendars, Zoom link to be provided at a later time.

Project Timeline (Subject to change)


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Additional Resources:

Hammersley Road Resurfacing Page

Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)

Proposed Changes:

Below are images of the current proposal supported by Transportation Commissioners.  Now is it up to the public to stop by one of the upcoming meetings (Tuesday, February 8, 6:00 pm and/or Wednesday, February 9, 12:00 pm) and provide your feedback on the proposed designs, you can also email me at and/or the project contact Aaron Canton at

The process has just begun, and the city staff is seeking your input and support to make Madison streets a safe place for everyone. Make sure to check out the first issue of the Vision Zero Quarterly Newsletter. This first issue covers the broad topic of Vision Zero and how the City is integrating safety measures and practices into Madison's communities, visitors, and businesses' daily lives.


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Alder Yannette Figueroa Cole

Alder Yannette Figueroa Cole

District 10, Council President
Contact Alder Figueroa Cole
