Message from the Street Division & Metro Public Hearing Presentation


Hello, everyone

It was a rare double press release day here in the Streets Division, and as always your help in getting the word out to your constituents is always appreciated.

1)Residents Have 1 Yard Waste Collection Left for 2022

All Madison residents have one final set-out date left this year to get their leaves and yard waste out so our crews can pick them up from the curb. 

The final set-out date varies by neighborhood, so folks should head over to our website to get the set out date for where they live.  Our website is

Why end yard waste pickup now? Why can't we do another round?

The final scheduled collection round will take us into the first week of December.  We cannot guarantee curbside yard waste collection for residents later into December when there is a greater chance of a winter storm (the same people collecting leaves today drive the plow trucks, after all).  We don't want to promise a collection that we won't be able to provide.  Thankfully, this year the trees have cooperated and all seemed to have dropped their leaves by now.

Drop-off sites are available for yard waste. We strongly recommend checking our website before loading your vehicle because hours and locations are different than in years past.  Plus, the drop-off site hours will change again after Thanksgiving this year.  The drop-off sites webpage is

2)2022 & 2023 Collection Candars Updated

This one only really effects the folks with a Monday trash & recycling pickup day, but it's a good reminder for people to download their collection calendars if they haven't already. 

There was a mistake on the previous release of the 2022 & 2023 collection calendars.  I forgot to account for the 2022 Christmas & 2023 New Year's holidays falling on a Sunday, meaning the City observes the holiday on the following Monday, which delays our collections a day.  Definite copyediting mistake.  We fixed the error and updated the calendars on our website. 

To get the calendars for your home, please visit

City of Madison Streets Division

Also, the last few weeks have been dedicated to the budget.  I have gotten a number of emails that have not been able to address due to the additional demand the budget season brings.  I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I was pulling a double with committees yesterday and could not make the transportation meeting,  if you were not able to make it, you can find the recording here:


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Alder Yannette Figueroa Cole

Alder Yannette Figueroa Cole

District 10, Council President
Contact Alder Figueroa Cole
