Southwest Area Plan-March Madness Bracket


Madison Madness!!!

It's that time of year again and the City of Madison is getting into the spirit with a new way for residents to share their perspectives. The “Madison Madness” bracket takes aspects of future planning – like housing, neighborhood amenities, transportation, and recreation – and puts them into a bracket format, allowing residents to think about their priorities and share them with the City in a fun and unique way.

Each “team” in the bracket represents a component of what the future of the city could be. The bracket’s four “regions” represent a different area of focus: Neighborhood Destinations, Places to Live, Streets and Getting Around, and Open Spaces and Recreation. Each “region” is broken down into eight different aspects of those categories. There are 32 items in the bracket overall.

The survey will take you through each “matchup” individually. In each matchup, you’ll choose what the higher priority is for you. The survey will keep presenting you with matchups as you work your way through the bracket until you have your “champion” -- the biggest priority you’d like to see addressed.

Fill out your bracket and tell us your perspectives!

Southwest Area Plan Project web page

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Alder Yannette Figueroa Cole

Alder Yannette Figueroa Cole

District 10, Council President
Contact Alder Figueroa Cole
