Primary election is Tuesday. Finance, Plan Commission, and Transportation Commission meetings this week. Lots of announcements and events, including sledding party at Hoyt!
Please sign up for project updates on the Midvale Blvd resurfacing project, the sewer repair project at Highland and University, and Franklin Ave. Please clear your walks of snow and ice this week! Events, announcements, and meetings.
The Midvale resurfacing and safety improvement project has been pushed back a bit, and will come before the Transportation Commission on February 19. Updates to ordinance on demolitions. Meetings, events, and announcements.
Midvale Blvd. resurfacing project public information meeting Thursday 1/30. Zoning updates introduced. Help spruce up the Mid-Town Police District building. Meetings, events, and announcements.
Crisis, Intervention, and Prevention (CIP) - Community VoicesThe Community Development Division (CDD) works with residents, neighborhoods, and stakeholders to overcome barriers and build a vibrant, prosperous, and healthy community. In 2025, the…
Reminder of the public information meeting for the University Avenue development on January 16 at 6pm. Stay safe during winter weather. Skate, name our snow plows, and enjoy events in the area!
Resources available in response to the tragic school shooting. Chief Barnes leaving for Seattle. Video available from our neighborhood meeting with Traffic Engineering. Please keep sidewalks clear of snow, ice, and salt. Announcements & Events.