2025 Budget Outlook - Madison Public Library


In her 2025 Executive budget message in June, Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway asked city agencies to prepare their operating budgets with a 5% reduction. 

“Our goal is to preserve core services while identifying lower priority services that could be eliminated. Each agency must propose service reductions equal to at least 5% of the department’s 2025 cost-to-continue budget”. 

At the Madison Public Library Board meeting Thursday July 11, there will be a presentation showing what a 5% reduction could look like to achieve a $1.08M reduction. For example, page 13 of the presentation shows zero funding for 

● Dream Bus operations ($50,000 for 2025 and an additional $35,000 for 2026) 

● Imagination Center operations ($258,079 for 2025, $927,876.25 for 2026, $569,939.25 for 2027)

The document also shows impact data for all branches.

Here is the agenda. You can attend in person or send comments to mpllibraryboard@madisonpubliclibrary.org


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Alder Marsha Rummel

Alder Marsha A. Rummel

District 6
Contact Alder Rummel