Building Inspection Counter Appointments
Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.
Building Inspection
Building Inspection staff review plans. Staff also issue permits related to various aspects of building codes and demolition. Inspectors make sure construction work meets code.
This agency reviews:
- Access to buildings
- Building code compliance
- Demolition
- Design
- Accessible design, including wheelchair accessibility
- Heating code compliance
- National electric code compliance
- Plumbing code compliance
- Soil erosion
- Street occupancy
Zoning staff review most development applications. They assess whether a proposal meets zoning rules and permitted uses.
This agency reviews:
- Demolition
- Design
- Flood plain
- Floor area ratio
- Inclusionary zoning
- Landscape plan
- Lot coverage
- Lot size
- Parking requirements
- Screening
- Signs
- Site design
- Special districts
- Street graphics
- Trash pickup enclosures
- Units - number of
- Usable open space
- Use of property
- Yard setbacks
- Zoning