1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

2023 Affordable Housing Fund-Tax Credits RFP (Closed)


The City of Madison Community Development Division (CDD) is offering gap financing for development proposals from qualified development teams seeking WHEDA Low Income Housing Tax Credits to accomplish the following three objectives:

  1. Increase the supply of safe, quality, affordable rental housing, especially units affordable to households with incomes at or below 30% of area median income, that ensure long-term affordability and sustainability.
  2. Preserve existing income- and rent-restricted rental housing to ensure long-term affordability and sustainability.
  3. Improve the existing rental housing stock through acquisition/rehab to create long-term affordability and sustainability.

Through this RFP process, the City also seeks project proposals that aim to convert a hotel, motel or other suitable commercial property into affordable housing through the HOME-ARP set-aside. Funded through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, this special allocation of HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds (HOME-ARP) will be used to support units of supportive housing. Please see Attachment F of the RFP for more information.

Process Overview

  1. Review RFP Guidelines and Resources

    Please read the Guidelines carefully and before completing your Rental Housing Development Application.  The targeted area map and contract requirements are included for your information.

  2. Pre-Application Process

    A virtual workshop was held on Tuesday, July 18 at 9:30 am CST.  

    Applicants are strongly encouraged to make Pre-Application contacts as soon as feasible in advance of the AHF Application deadline and are required to do so by July 25, 2023. When scheduling these meetings, please indicate that the meeting is regarding a proposed AHF-TC RFP project.

    Please see Section 2.1 in the RFP for more information regarding the pre-application process.

  3. Review the Timeline

    Please keep these important dates in mind when preparing to submit your application.

    • July 11, 2023: Release of RFP
    • July 18, 2023 at 9:30 am: RFP Application Workshop (Register for the Workshop)
    • July 25, 2023: Deadline for Initial Staff Contact
    • August 15, 2023 at 12:00 pm CST: Deadline for Submission of Proposals
    • August 24, 2023: Deadline to Contact Common Council Office to Schedule Neighborhood Meeting
    • September 5, 2023 (week of): CDD Sends Request for Supplemental Application Information
    • September 14, 2023: Development Assistance Team and Neighborhood Meeting Deadlines
    • September 15, 2023: Applicants to Submit Supplemental Application
    • September 25, 2023 (week of): Applicant Presentations to Staff
    • October 5, 2023: Applicant Presentations to CDBG Committee
    • October 16, 2023: Land Use Application Deadline for Projects Requiring a Zoning Map Amendment or Urban Design Commission Action and Focus on Energy Bundle Requirements Doc
    • November 7, 2023: Introduction to Common Council
    • November 2, 2023: CDBG Committee - Staff Recommendations ***Update from original posting on Oct. 5, 2023
    • November 27, 2023: Land Use Application Deadline for Projects Not Requiring a Zoning Map Amendment
    • December 5, 2023: Common Council Approval
    • January 26, 2024: WHEDA Application Deadline
    • Late 2024 - Mid 2025: Anticipated Contract Effective Date(s) / Start of Construction

    Please note: These dates are for planning purposes.  They represent the City's desired timeline for implementing this project. Any revision to the Due Date for submission of proposals will be made by addendum. All other dates may be adjusted without notice, as needs and circumstances dictate.

  4. Fill Out the Application

    Application (updated 8/10/2023) Budget Workbook

    Applicant agencies must utilize the provided application and budget workbook.

    All application materials must be submitted by August 15, 2023 at 12:00 pm (noon) CST.

  5. Submit the Application

    Applications MUST be received on our office by 12:00 pm CST (noon) on August 15, 2023.

    Proposals must be submitted to: CDDapplications@cityofmadison.com

    All proposals must be submitted electronically. 

    Please include only the required submittals specified below:

    1. Application 
    2. Budget Workbook

    Applications time stamped received after 12:00 pm will not be considered, NO EXCEPTIONS!

    You will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted your application(s). These email notifications are not auto generated so allow some time for a person to receive and process your application. If you do not receive a notification within 2 hours, it means that your application did not get delivered.

  6. Submitted Applications Summary

  7. Funding Award Recommendations

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