
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Aging & Disability Resource Center of Dane County provides information about resources and support on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability.
    • The Area Agency on Aging  serves individuals who are age 60 and over and/or their family members by providing information and assistance in accessing services that will help older adults stay in their own homes and communities.  The AAA also publishes The Caregiver Chronicles Newsletter each month.
    • Support for Individuals with Dementia is available throughout Dane County and this web page lists several options for gathering with others who may be experiencing early stages of memory loss.  
    • For information on how to get involved with Alzheimer’s disease research in Madison, visit the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.
  • Wisconsin Department of Health Services provides resources for Dementia and Family Caregiving.
  • My Choice Wisconsin works collaboratively with local agencies and health care providers to ensure our members have ample choices and high-quality support and services from a diverse network. 
  • Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin offers support on a more local level to those affected by Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
  • Journey of Aging is a resource guide for caregivers and aging adults in Dane County.
  • National Institute on Aging offers the latest news, information and research on healthy aging in the U.S.
  • On January 1, 2019, NewBridge officially came into existence as a non-profit organization serving older adults in Madison and Monona. While a new organization, it has a long history of service. Each of the Senior Coalitions has provided service for over 40 years.
  • Alzheimer’s Association offers the latest information on Alzheimer’s Disease research, clinical trials, fundraising and advocacy opportunities, 24/7 Helpline (1-800-272-3900) and how to become involved in fighting Alzheimer’s whether you have it, care for someone who does, or work in a field that connects you with sufferers of the disease.
  • The Caregiver Teleconnection is a free, bilingual, and confidential program that connects caregivers and family members to information and support through live telephonic sessions or on demand via the web.


Anger Management





Domestic Violence

  • Domestic Abuse Intervention Services in Madison, Wisconsin offers a wide array of crisis intervention and community education/prevention programs, including a 24-hour Help Line and domestic violence shelter.
  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides lifesaving tools and immediate support to victims of domestic violence.
  • UNIDOS exists to empower the community to break the cycle of domestic violence, end sexual assault and promote healthy family systems.  (UNIDOS existe para fortalecer a la comunidad a romper el ciclo de violencia doméstica, poner fin a la agresión sexual y promover sistemas familiares saludables.)
  • Freedom, Inc serves Hmong, Black, Khmer victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence. They also have Queer/LGBTQI specific services.
  • Project RESPECT serves adult and juvenile victims of: prostitution, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking.

Eating Disorders

End of Life

Financial Issues

  • Many banks and credit unions will help you to create a personal budget and/or may offer money management seminars.  Check with your financial institution for more information.
  • Greenpath Financial Wellness offers information and consultation related to financial health and debt management.
  • Dane County UW-Extension Financial Education Center teaches money management skills to Dane County residents.
  • Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Several insurance plans give rebates for participation. You are able to purchase organic veggies, delivered to work or home, with recipes, from a local farmer and you pay up front to the farmer directly (which helps the farmer) and you are able to get a rebate at the end of the year.
  • Dane County Time Bank: Timebanking is based on a philosophy that our communities work better when all of our contributions are valued. When you need something like minor home repair, child care, companionship, an exercise buddy, look on Community Weaver and contact a member directly, or call the Timebank coordinator and ask.

Gambling Addiction

  • Gamblers Anonymous offers help and support to those who want to recover from a gambling problem.

Grief and Loss

  • What’s Your Grief is a blog co-authored by two mental health professionals in Baltimore. Their mission is to promote grief education, exploration, and expression in both practical and creative ways.
  • The Dougy Center provides resources and support to children, teens, young adults, and their families who are grieving a death.
  • The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family.
  • Agrace is a nonprofit hospice and palliative care organization and offers care and support through the stages of a serious illness.
  • Heartland Hospice provides care wherever you call home: in your house, a skilled nursing center, an assisted living facility or independent living facility.
  • The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) is a nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. Web site includes good information on hospice.
  • Though no longer in operation, the American Hospice Foundation's web site is still online and offers some very helpful guidance on experiencing grief.


  • The Community Development Authority of the City of Madison provides a comprehensive list of housing resources on their website.

Legal Help

  • The Neighborhood Law Clinic (NLC) provides free legal information to residents of Dane County and surrounding counties in limited circumstances. NLC is part of the University of Wisconsin Law School's Economic Justice Institute. NLC clients receive legal services from law students, who are supervised by attorneys.
  • UW Law School's Restraining Order and Survivor Advocacy Clinic (ROSA) assists victims/survivors of intimate-partner violence and/or crime. Law students assist with Restraining Order petitions, providing direct representation at injunction hearings (restraining order hearings), and providing relevant resources under the supervision of experienced clinical faculty.
  • Madison College Legal Clinic offers free legal advice to students and community members.
  • Community Justice, Inc. are "lawyers for everyday people", a non-profit law firm working to close the justice gap in South Central Wisconsin and making justice affordable for all.
  • Legal Action of Wisconsin provides legal help to low-income individuals.
  • WI State Bar Lawyer Referral Service allows you to search for an attorney online or by phone.
  • Questions and Answers on Advance Directives is a document created by the American Hospital Association to help get started on end of life planning.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBTQ) Resources

Marriage/Relationship Issues

Mental Health

Journey Mental Health Crisis Line
(608) 280-2600

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Mental Health Resources in Spanish
   Recursos de Salud Mental en Español

Mental Health Resources in Hmoob

Mindfulness & Meditation


Racism & Mental Health



  • PLATO is a self-directed, volunteer-led, nonprofit organization serving more than 900 lifelong learners living in and around Dane County.  Most members are approaching or actively enjoying retirement.  All share a passion for learning and a desire to stay engaged with the world and with others who share their interests. No formal education or university affiliation is necessary to join.

Sleep Disorders

Substance Addiction

  • The Wisconsin Addiction Recovery Helpline is a statewide resource for finding substance use treatment and recovery services. The helpline is free, confidential, and available 24/7. Call 211.
  • Journey Mental Health Center is located in Madison and provides comprehensive mental health and substance abuse services to residents of southern Wisconsin.
  • Tellurian specializes in substance abuse and chemical addiction treatment, with an emphasis on co-occurring mental health disorders. Tellurian offers case management and residential treatment in Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Narcotics Anonymous is a global, community-based organization that offers recovery from the effects of addiction.
  • Safe Communities is an online resource for family and friends of people battling drug addiction.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call, text, or chat 988

Veterans Crisis Line
Dial 988, then press 1
Text 838255

Support Groups

Tobacco Addiction



Veteran's Crisis Line
1-800-273-8255, Press 1

Work/Life Balance

  • FEI Workforce Resilience is the City of Madison’s external EAP provider. Find additional articles, videos, and webinars related to work-life balance.
  • Dial 211 in order to connect with vital human services for everyday life or times of crisis.
  • Information from UW Health about Shift Work Sleep Disorder.
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