Resources for the Madison Community
Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Management and Workplace Consultations
While the EAP is here to help employees with personal issues that may affect work performance, it is also a partner to the organization and to you as a manager dealing with work performance issues such as attendance, attitude, workplace incidents, substance abuse or general productivity. Do you have two employees who are not getting along? Are you noticing behaviors that concern you but that you are not sure how to address? Contact your EAP to consult about the situation and receive another perspective as well as suggestions for possible solutions. The City’s internal EAP can also bring in the expertise of our external EAP provider when appropriate.
Resources for Managers and Supervisors
- EAP Guide for Complex Supervisory Workplace Issues
- Creating a Culture of Well-Being at Work (2022 Workplace Mental Health Toolkit by Mental Health America)
- Return to the Workplace Guide for Managers and Supervisors (Revised 9/9/2022)
- Substance Use Warning Signs Checklist
- Return to Work Meeting
- Critical Incident Response for Managers, Supervisors and Leads
- Grief Session Email Template
- EAP Resources for Managers
- FEI Resources for Managers
- Psychological Safety at Work
- Building Resiliency Series