Employee and Labor Relations Resources
Employee Relations
We provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities or long-term medical conditions. These accommodations include modifications or adjustments to a job duty, practice, process, or the work environment to make it possible for someone with a disability to perform the essential functions of a position.
Go to Accommodations.
Trauma-Informed Supervision
Trauma is unfortunately very common. Principles of Trauma-Informed Supervision are aimed at reducing the impacts of trauma on the workplace.
Go to Trauma-informed Supervision.
Leave Administration
Employees are entitled to various kinds of leave, including family and medical leave.
Go to Leave Administration.
Drug and Alcohol Testing
We are committed to protecting the safety, health, and well-being of all employees. Supervisors are responsible for maintaining an alcohol and drug free workplace.
Go to Drug and Alcohol Testing.
Investigating Employee Misconduct
A misconduct investigation is a fact-finding process that helps supervisors use accurate information in their decision-making.
Go to Employee Misconduct Investigations
Disciplinary Process
The City of Madison’s disciplinary process ensures that the due process protections of employees are met. Supervisors must follow the process exactly to issue enforceable discipline.
Go to Discipline.
Labor Relations
Supervising Represented Employees
Many City of Madison employees are represented by a Union or Employee Association. Supervisors must be aware of, and abide by, established policies and procedures relating to represented employees.
Go to Supervising Represented Employees.
Grievance Process
Employees who believe a labor contract or handbook provision has been violated can submit a grievance to their supervisor to have the issue or issues addressed.
Go to Grievance Process.

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