Paperless Drug Testing Proccess
As of April 1st, 2023 the City of Madison will go paperless for random and follow-up drug tests. Our drug testing vendor, 24/7, maintains an electronic scheduling portal. This will benefit the City because supervisors will not have to handle paper test notification forms or Chain of Custody Forms (CFF) anymore.
This process only applies to random and follow-up testing. Please continue to use the paper test notification forms for pre-employment, post-accident and return to duty tests. (Read more about types of drug testing).
Overall, there is minimal change to the process:
Tests are entered electronically in the portal
We will no longer use the current paper test notification form.
- HR staff will enter each test into the portal which will generate an “ePASSPORT”. This form does not require a “Notice Provided By” signature (See sample form).
- These forms will be emailed to departments a couple of weeks before the start of each quarter.
Supervisors receive and review the forms
- Review the “additional notes” section at the bottom of the form to ensure employees are scheduled to the correct location. Contact HR if they need to be rescheduled.
- Please note: Unfortunately, the form’s default location is the 24/7’s clinic and that cannot be changed. The “additional notes” section is where you will find the employee’s testing location and date and time.
- Supervisors will have to print out the “ePASSPORT” to give to the employee on the day of the test. This is the only paper we should have to deal with.
Tests are performed, as usual
- If an employee misses a test, please continue to notify HR’s Drug & Alcohol Testing Program Assistant as soon as possible. HR staff will reschedule the test in the portal. This will generate a new “ePASSPORT” to be emailed to the department.
- *Please note that while HR tries to reschedule tests, sometimes this cannot be accommodated. In those cases, supervisors will have to take the employee to 24/7 as a walk-in.
- If an employee has changed work hours or moved locations, please let HR’s Drug & Alcohol Testing Program Assistant know. They can reschedule them into a more favorable location or shift, instead of asking supervisors to take them to 24/7.
Tests are entered electronically in the portal
Supervisors will no longer have to send paperwork inter-d to HR.
- No paperwork will pass between the collector and supervisor. HR will receive an electronic copy of the Chain of Custody Form.
- This is the case for Alcohol Testing Forms as well; 24/7 will ensure that these are sent to HR.
Reach out to HR’s Drug & Alcohol Testing Program Assistant with any questions or clarification needed regarding this process or drug testing in general.