Lactation Rooms
As part of our family-friendly policies and benefits, the City supports breastfeeding parents by making every reasonable effort to accommodate visitors and employees who wish to breastfeed or express milk in City facilities. To ensure employees and visitors feel welcome to breastfeed or express milk, the City will make every effort to ensure that areas of common use have designated comfort rooms for this purpose. A map of existing lactation rooms can be found on Public Health Dane County website.

The Facilities Section manages the planning and evaluation of lactation rooms (also known as comfort rooms) in City facilities:
- New large facilities or any major facility remodel or addition including office space will have an accessible, adequate, and private facility other than a restroom for breast milk expression.
- Smaller new facilities or remodels including office space will have an evaluation to determine the availability of need and ability to incorporate accessible, adequate, and private facilities for breast milk expression.
- Existing facilities will be evaluated to make accommodations for a nursing employee. These accommodations may include providing a locking doorknob on an office space or providing a portable lactation room where other private space is not available.
Read the Administrative Procedural Memorandum.
More information can be found at the Public Health breastfeeding website.