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Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Hermina and Union Streets Reconstruction and Bridge
November 8, 2024 Update
The Contractor has completed work the Hermina St and Union St reconstruction project. For the residents that elected for the native terrace planting option, the native seeds have been planted and Engineering staff has reached out to individual residents with information on future maintenance of the native plantings. If residents have questions on the native terrace plantings, please reach out to Emily Jorgensen at EJorgensen@cityofmadison.com for more information.
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Project Information
Project Overview
The City plans to reconstruct Hermina St and Union St (between N Marquette St and Clyde Gallagher Ave). The project includes replacement of underground utilities (sanitary and storm sewer), as well replacement of street infrastructure (roadway base, asphalt pavement, curb & gutter, and sidewalk as needed). The project also includes the installation of a new bike-pedestrian bridge over the Starkweather Creek that will connect from the Starkweather Creek Path to Hermina St (east of Starkweather Creek). Due to the necessary permitting required for bridge construction over the Starkweather Creek, the new bike-pedestrian bridge will be delayed for construction until 2025. The road and utility reconstruction on Hermina St and Union St is still scheduled to occur this Summer/Fall 2024. Updates on specific timing for both the road reconstruction and the bridge installation will be posted to this project page.
Due to the existing narrow terrace space on both Hermina St and Union St, existing trees are squeezed to grow in a constricted space. This makes replacing the curb and gutter potentially threatening to the health of existing trees and limits the growth of old and new trees. To better protect existing trees and promote future tree health and growth, the City is proposing to narrow both Hermina St and Union St by a total of 2-ft (widening all terraces by 1-ft). Hermina St would be narrowed to 22-ft (measured from face-of-curb to face-of-curb). This would require removing the nighttime parking currently allowed on the south-side of Hermina St, making Hermina St permanently one-side parking. Union St would be narrowed to 26-ft, which would require removal of one-side of parking, making Union St permanently one-side parking. In addition, bump-outs are proposed on Union St at the N Marquette St intersection to provide some traffic calming as vehicles enter Union St. Below is a link to the proposed street and bridge design, as well as an exhibit showing the proposed parking layout for Hermina St and Union St.
With the proposed change to one-side parking on both Hermina St and Union St, please note that parking restrictions would remain consistent throughout winter and not change during a Declared Snow Emergency. For more information on winter parking rules, please refer to the link below.
Native Terrace Planting
With this project, the City is offering property owner’s the option to have their terrace (land between sidewalk and curb) planted with native seed mix rather than the usual turf grass. See ‘Native Terrace Planting Guide’ for more information. Please fill-out the questionnaire to select this option or reach out directly to the project manager, Aaron Canton, at acanton@cityofmadison.com or 608-242-4763.
Project Limits
Hermina St: N Marquette St to Clyde Gallagher Ave
Union St: N Marquette St to Clyde Gallagher Ave
Bike-Pedestrian Bridge: Starkweather Creek Path to Hermina St (east of Starkweather Creek)
Project Schedule
Design: Spring 2024
Construction: Summer/Fall 2024
Public Involvement
There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates, times and locations are indicated below:
Public Information Meetings
March 11, 2024 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation
Please complete the project questionnaire by 3 p.m., March 29, 2024:
Hermina and Union Streets Reconstruction and Bridge Questionnaire
City Process, Meetings
Transportation Commission: 3/27/2024
Board of Public Works: 4/3/2024
Common Council: 4/16/2024
Board of Public Works: 4/3/2024 Notice of Assessment Fact and Details Sheet Schedule of Assessments
Start of Construction: Fact Sheet