Resurfacing Program
February 27, 2025 Update
Thank you to all who attended the Feb. 24, 2025 Public Information Meeting. The meeting recording is now available:
Feb. 24, 2025 Public Information Meeting Recording
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Project Information
Program Overview
The Annual Street Resurfacing Program is designed to improve the quality of your street and delay the need for total reconstruction. The City Engineering Division rates streets and curb & gutter every two years. Streets with a pavement rating of 5 or less on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being a new street) and a curb & gutter rating of 6 or greater are ideal candidates. Streets and curb & gutter with lower ratings require extensive replacement. They are patched until they are candidates for reconstruction.
Replacement Criteria
Defective curb and gutter is replaced if there is:
- Vertical or horizontal offset
- Ponding water
- Curb head missing
- Tipped curb
- Pitted concrete
Criteria for Replacement of Public Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter is outlined in the administrative procedure.
The goal of resurfacing and preventative maintenance is to extend the life of the street 30 years or more before a full reconstruction project is necessary.
What Will Be Replaced
You will receive a packet of information in the mail from City Engineering. In the packet, an estimate of the driveway and sidewalk in front of your property, which was inspected last fall and determined to be in need of replacement. White paint marks were placed on the curb and gutter sections intended for replacement. If curb and gutter is marked for replacement in front of a driveway, then it may be necessary to replace a portion or all of the driveway apron.
Billing of Work
You will receive a "Special Assessment" in the mail after work is complete. This bill is not part of your annual property tax assessment. You may pay the bill in full before Oct. 31 in the year the billing is made without accruing interest. Or, you may use the City's five-year installment plan. For more information about special assessments and payment options, including deferrals, contact the Finance Department, 608-266-4008.
Objects in the Right of Way
If you have objects such as invisible fence, plantings, sprinkler system or pavers within 12 inches of the curb and gutter without a permit, the objects may be subject to removal and/or repair at the property owner's expense. Removing them or marking these objects may reduce the risk of damage.
Restoration of Disturbed Areas
Restoration begins as soon as possible after new curb and gutter, driveway apron and sidewalk have been poured. Contractors are required to use high quality topsoil and seed. You can assist with the restoration by watering the ground lightly every day until grass has been mowed once or twice. Then water more heavily and less frequently.
Contractors Work Hours
Typically, contractors work from 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday – Friday with occasional work on Saturday. Barricades and "No Parking" signs with approximate start and end dates will be placed 48 hours in advance of construction. Your cooperation and compliance with the "No Parking" restrictions will speed up work and may save you a ticket and towing costs.
Contact Us
Resurfacing Questions, Concerns: 608-266-4914
Billing Questions: 608-266-4008
Questions, Disagreement about your estimate or marked sections: 608-266-4914
Board of Public Works: March 12, 2025 Notice of Meeting Schedule of Assessments