1,000 Rain Garden Goal

The Engineering Division invites all residents to take part in reaching its renewed 1,000 rain garden goal. A rain garden is a garden of native shrubs, perennials, and flowers planted in a shallow depression, which, sometimes, is built on a natural slope. Rain gardens are often designed to capture and infiltrate water into the ground. A rain garden is a great option for stormwater management as it temporarily holds and soaks in rainwater runoff that flows from roofs, driveways, patios or lawns.

If you have a rain garden, and want it included on a future interactive map the City is working on, email the photo to engineer@cityofmadison.com with the location. A point representing each rain garden will be added to the map, but addresses and information will remain private.

Latest rain garden count: 773 (Updated 2/21/2024). Updated map will be posted soon.

Rain Garden Map April 21, 2020

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