Meet Firefighter Cameron Gasaway

Cameron Gasaway
Eighteen new firefighters
graduated the MFD Fire Academy on November 6, 2015. We introduce them to you on the MFD Blog throughout December.

Current station assignment: Station 7 (McKenna Blvd.)

Why did you want to be a firefighter?
I was raised in a family of firefighters, so ever since I was little I got to see how much firefighters helped people in their time of need. I love helping people. Knowing that on their worst day I can make a difference and lasting impression is a great feeling. I also like how much firefighters give back to the community both on the job and during their off time.

Why did you want to serve in the city of Madison?
I was looking for a fire department that was well-rounded. MFD is a perfect example of a department that embraces safety but still teaches aggressive firefighting. The city of Madison is a lot like the Twin Cities, where I grew up, so the appeal of a young Midwest city is what I was looking for.

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience so far?
Arriving on any call and seeing the person who called with a look of relief on their face because they know the fire department is here and is going to fix the problem. That look, and the way they relax after you arrive, is the most rewarding feeling.

Looking back at the Fire Academy, what was the most challenging element?
By far the most challenging part of the academy was the heavy physical aspect. From Day 2 we were in our gear working all day regardless of the weather conditions. In addition to the heavy physical load was also a challenging academic load, so it was a very busy academy.

What advice would you give to someone hoping to join the MFD?
Take the time to visit the MFD website and learn about the department and the city. Also make sure taking care of people is your number one priority.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.

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