Fire Inspection Code & Standards
The codes and standards used by the Madison Fire Department include:
- International Fire Code (IFC), latest edition
- Madison General Ordinance (MGO), Chapter 34 and 40
- Other applicable state and federal codes as needed. This includes all current codes and rules that are in place through the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS)
For questions regarding the codes and standards that Madison Fire Department uses, please contact us at 608-266-4420.
Fire Protection System Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance (ITM) Reporting
The City of Madison has a duty to ensure places of employment, residences, and public buildings are as safe as possible and one of the key elements is the safety systems within those buildings. We also know that periodic inspection, testing and maintenance is necessary to ensure these safety systems are working properly.
In order to ensure a higher compliance rate and confirmation that these systems are being maintained MFD has developed an online reporting system. This will reduce the handling of paperwork, allow owners to focus on running their business, and allow first responders to not get bogged down with chasing paper work to complete inspections. This online reporting system will also allow MFD to more quickly respond to reported critical violations and impairments.
Log on to our online reporting system. | User guide: How to use the online ITM reporting system.