Compensation Study
HR has partnered with Baker Tilly to conduct a Classification and Compensation Study. This includes:
- A review of positions to ensure internal equity and external competitiveness within our labor market.
- A comparison of our benefits offerings.
- A review of our pay policies and pay practices.
- A review of pay equity with regards to gender, race, and age.
Listening Sessions
Baker Tilly staff were on site to host sessions from July 16th - July 18th, 2024. These were informational presentations to learn more about the study, ask questions, and to review the upcoming Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) that Baker Tilly will be asking employees to complete.
Thank you to all employees who participated!
Slide Deck:
Classification and Compensation Study - Baker Tilly
Two of the listening sessions held at the MMB on July 16th were recorded, you can access those using the buttons below.
Process Outline
The compensation and classification study is expected to be completed in May of 2024, and will be completed in 6 phases, including:
- Project Initiation
- Market Assessment
- Position Review
- Pay Plan Development
- Additional Deliverables
- Project Completion
- See FAQs for more information
If you have any questions, please reach out to HR@cityofmadison.com.