Online Courses
To make training content available to as many employees as possible, and in a flexible format, we are offering on-demand courses.
Below are our current Online Courses in alphabetical order within each category listed.
- City Hybrid Room Controls
- City Policies
- Customer Service
- Data
- Interpersonal Communication
- Wellness
- Work Planning
If you have questions about these online courses, have requests for new online courses, or are a Learning Partner who would like to record a course, contact OrganizationalDevelopment@cityofmadison.com.
Tracking Your Course Completions
With our current technology, online courses are not automatically tracked to the participant. Until that technology is in place, and if you would like your attendance recorded in HR-OD records, please email OrganizationalDevelopment@cityofmadison.com with the date you watched and the course title; we’d love to help track your achievements!
Hybrid Meeting Training

Learn how to use recently upgraded hybrid meeting spaces available in the Madison Municipal Building (MMB) and City-County Building (CCB)! Whether hosting an in-person presentation or a hybrid meeting, this training will orient you with the room’s audiovisual equipment and provide knowledge on using the technology to better connect with meeting participants, both in-person or virtual.
Though the original training took place in MMB Room 206 and directly describes that room’s AV, you’ll find the features and functionality similar in most City spaces.
Self-service (i.e., Type 2) board, commission, and committee meetings are not permitted to meet in a hybrid format at this time. These rooms can be used for other types of public meetings or internal staff meetings.
Course Facilitator: Drew Palasini, AVI Systems and Zach Commons, City of Madison IT
Course Duration: 44 minutes
Course Resources:
- Hybrid Meeting Environments
- Hybrid Meeting Room Instructions
- Scheduling a Hybrid Room
- Note, employees will need to log in with their M365 account to view these Knowledge Base articles.
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
Creating an Equitable Interview Process

Course Description: Build awareness on how bias, both explicit and implicit, can impact hiring decisions. Learn how to create an interview process by incorporating job-related behavioral questions with measurable benchmarks to effectively address bias in the interview process and for more objective candidate evaluations.
Course Facilitator: Julie Trimbell and Bill Wick, Human Resources Services Unit
Course Duration: 1 hour, 17 minutes
Course Resources:
- Position Description Example: Payroll Clerk
- Handout: Interview Tips
- Handout: Types of Bias
- Handout: Job Interview Bias Exercise
- Handout: Traditional to Behavioral Interview Questions Exercise
- Handout: Red Flag Process for Hiring Managers
- Recording Content Guide:
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
Live Offerings: This course is offered in a live-virtual format as well. Register for an upcoming session.
Hiring Foundations for Hiring Managers

Course Description: It’s a candidate’s job market, which means that hiring managers need to be proactive about improving their foundational skills to attract and hire team members. Join our HR Business Analysts as they share best practices for talent planning, writing clear position descriptions, and moving through the hiring and recruitment process.
Course Facilitator: Julie Trimbell and Otis Harris, Jr., Human Resources Services Unit
Course Duration: 1 hour, 13 minutes
Course Resources:
- Pre-Work:
- Watch this short video on Writing Position Descriptions (17 minutes, 47 seconds)
- Check out the Supervisor Resources on EmployeeNet for a hiring process overview and resources.
- Course Materials:
- Recording Content Guide:
- Introduction & General Background - Start to 15:16
- Recruitment Process, Part 1 - 15:17 - 34:59
- Recruitment Process, Part 2 - 35:00 - 54:30
- Hiring Manager Steps Following Interview - 55:40 - 1:08:22
- Additional Hiring Resources - 1:08:50 - End
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
Live Offerings: This course is offered in a live-virtual format as well. Register for an upcoming session.
Inclusive Workplace Trainings

Creating a Gender-Inclusive Workplace 101
- Description: This course will teach you how to create inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ colleagues, friends, city residents, and visitors. In this foundational course, we'll review LGBTQ+ issues with a focus on issues that impact transgender people and LGBTQ+ inclusion best practices to create a welcoming environment in your workplace and beyond. The second half of the course builds on that foundation as we dive deeper into institutional inequity for LGBTQ+ people. We will discuss how to recognize institutional bias and create systemic change, and reflect & discuss how to involve the voices of those who matter in City operations decision-making.
- Resources:
- Facilitator: Molly Herrmann - Humble Pie Consulting
- Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes - See topic & start-time guide below.
- 0:00 - Welcome
- 2:43 - Content Note
- 3:45 - Intersections of LGBTQ+ Identities
- 7:06 - LGBTQ+ Vocabulary
- 27:42 - Activity
- 34:36 - Gendered vs. Inclusive or Neutral-Language
- 36:30 - Data
- 44:39 - Creating an Inclusive Workplace
- 53:15 - How does the City Uphold Institutional Bias & What Can It Do to Change?
- 1:10:20 - Closing
Supervisors Building a Gender-Inclusive Workplace
- Description: This course is for supervisors who want to learn how to better support your LGBTQ+ staff. In this course you'll review: Tips and insights into how to foster an inclusive work environment, your responsibilities as a supervisor to your LGBTQ+ staff, and actionable ways to promote inclusion within your team. We recommend you first watch Creating a Gender-Inclusive Workplace 101 before this course.
- Resources:
- Facilitator: Molly Herrmann - Humble Pie Consulting
- Duration: 43 minutes - See topic & start-time guide below.
- 0:00 - Welcome
- 4:12 - Rights of Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender Non-Conforming Employees
- 10:15 - Responsibilities of Supervisors to Enforce APM 2-52 & Examples
- 15:16 - Responsibility Example A
- 19:35 - Responsibility Example B
- 23:50 - Responsibility Example C
- 28:12 - Responsibility Example D
- 31:24 - Responsibility Example E
- 38:40 - Closing
Gender-Inclusive Language
- Description: How can you be inclusive and respectful with people of all genders? With verbal and written examples, you will leave this training with specific strategies in using language that shows your coworkers and community members of all genders that you value them.
- Resources:
- Facilitator: AJ Hardie - OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center
- Recording Links & Duration:
Access the Recordings: Click on the hyperlinked lesson names. Use the Resources linked as you watch for the best learning experience.
Live Offerings: These courses are offered in live-virtual formats as well. Register for Creating a Gender-Inclusive Workplace 101, Gender-Inclusive Language, and/or Supervisors Building a Gender-Inclusive Workplace.
Payroll ERP/MUNIS Training

Description: Learn about how to navigate our ERP system, Munis through a series of recordings (links found below).
Facilitator: Coleen Lisauskas
Access the Recordings:
- Payroll ERP Session 1: General How to Find Stuff (Like Payroll Data)
- How to find payroll data in our ERP system (Munis).
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Payroll ERP Session 2: Personnel Actions and Rules
- Learn about Personnel Rules and Personnel Actions in Munis.
- Duration: 55 minutes
- Payroll ERP Session 3: Time Entry & ESS
- Duration: 53 minutes
- Munis Time Entry Import Layout Resource
- During the training we also touched on employee expense claims and the APM’s that govern them. Some key APM’s to be mindful of in regards to employee expenses are:
- 1-2 Policy Statement on Association Dues and Licenses
- 1-4 Purchasing Policies and Procedures
- 1-5 Policy Regarding Travel at City Expense
- 1-6 Authorized Expenditures for City Agencies
- 2-10 Policies and Procedures for Internal and External Training
- 2-13 Policy Regarding City Vehicle Driver Policy
- 3-10 Payment for Attendance at Social Events for City Employees
- 3-12 Telephones
Public Records for Records Custodians

Course Description:
This training will teach you how to effectively carry out your responsibilities as a records custodian. You will learn how to communicate with requesters and fulfill requests, as well as how to ensure compliance with public records laws and retention policies.
In accordance with MGO 3.70, Department/Division Heads are the custodian of records for their agency and may designate others in the agency as alternate custodians. Public records custodians are required to be trained as soon as practicable upon receiving these duties, and to keep current with developments in City records policies and the Wisconsin Public Records Laws. Whether you’re a new records custodian or in need of a refresher, this training will teach you how to effectively carry out your responsibilities as a City of Madison Records Custodian. You will learn how to communicate with requesters and fulfill requests, as well as how to ensure compliance with public records laws and retention policies.
Course Facilitators: Leslie Starczewski - Information Technology and Adriana Peguero - Attorney's Office
Course Duration:
- Part 1: 8 minutes
- Part 2: 25 minutes
Course Resources:
- Public Records for Records Custodians
- Link to Public Records for Records Custodians course offering webpage.
Access the Recording: Click on the hyperlinked course names under the "Course Description" header.
Service & Support Animals in Public Places

Course Description:
Did you know that Wisconsin provides greater protections for people who use service animals than the Americans with Disabilities Act? Do you know the difference between a service animal and an emotional support animal? In this session you will learn how to treat people who use service and support animals with dignity and respect while complying with the law. We will explore how to navigate real-world challenges like addressing service animal fraud and best practices for serving people with conflicting access needs.
This training is recommended for anyone who interacts with the public.
Course Facilitators: Rebecca Hoyt, Department of Civil Rights
Course Duration: 58:05 minutes
Course Resources:
- Service & Support Animals in Public Places Slide Deck
- Department of Civil Rights Support & Service Animals webpage
- Link to Service & Support Animals in Public Places course webpage
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or view on MediaSite.
Customer De-Escalation

Course Description: Learn what customer de-escalation (also known as verbal de-escalation) is, why physical force should be avoided, and tactics to effectively de-escalate customer conflict situations.
Course Facilitator: Justin Maki, Safety Coordinator, Metro Transit
Course Duration: 15 minutes
Course Resources:
- Customer De-Escalation Slides
- Customer De-Escalation "One-Sheeter"
- Customer De-Escalation 11 x 17 Print-Out
- Printable on 11 x 17" paper to display in your workspace(s).
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
Language Access: Using Language Line Solutions

Course Description: Learn how to connect with an On-Demand interpreter, inclusive practices in working with interpreters, and participate in scenarios to practice learned skills, including communicating with people who use sign languages. Also discussed is the City of Madison’s Language Access Program, services, and compliance requirements.
Course Facilitator: Kristy Kumar, Rebeca Hoyt, and Kelly Mistry - Department of Civil Rights and LanguageLine Solutions
Course Duration: 1 hour, 31 minutes
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
Trauma-Informed Customer Service

Course Description: Trauma-Informed Customer Service is offered by the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This course will equip you with techniques to better handle challenging customers.
Course Facilitator: Arlyn Gonzalez and Mary Eldridge, Employee Assistance Program
Course Duration: 45 minutes
Course Resources: Please read through the following materials before viewing the recording:
- Handout: Trauma-Informed Customer Service Training
- Handout: Trauma-Informed Customer Service Training Questions
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
So You Need to Share Your Data: Graph Tips Everyone Can Use

Course Description: From surveys to program design to population statistics, many of us interact with data at some point. But how do you make an engaging graph to share your data? Learn how to use color, design, and storytelling to make graphs that stand out.
Course Facilitator: Rebecca LeBeau, Public Health Madison and Dane County
Course Duration: 57 minutes, 29 seconds
Course Resources:
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
Giving & Receiving Feedback, Parts 1 & 2

Series Description:
We created this course from the belief that leadership is action-based, not title-based. This two-part series will equip you with the mind- and skill-set to give and receive feedback. And - in a confident and effective manner! In this interactive session, you will:
- Have a chance to build strong practices.
- Engage with new practices a safe learning space.
- Create an action plan to give feedback in a focused and intentional manner
- Bring your challenges and a growth-mindset and leave with the tools to become a feedback champion.
You should complete the two courses in order.
Course Facilitator: Cyndi Wentland, Intentional Leaders, LLC
Course Duration:
- Part 1: 1 hour, 28 minutes
- Part 2: 1 hour, 27 minutes
Course Resources:
Additional Resources:
Access the Recording: Click on the hyperlinked course names under the "Series Description" header.
Live Offerings: This course is offered in a live-virtual format as well. Register for an upcoming session of Part 1 and/or Part 2.
How to Run Effective Meetings

Course Description: Swamped with way too many meetings? We know that poorly organized and run meetings lead to frustration and disengagement. In this webinar, you’ll learn practical tools to plan and run effective meetings so that you can lead people towards clear and actionable outcomes with greater confidence.
Course Facilitator: Sylvia Larrass, Voice and Leadership Excellence
Course Duration: 1 hour, 9 minutes
Course Resources:
- Course Slide Deck
- Course Handout: How to Run Effective Meetings
- Includes course notes, resources, and a fillable meeting planner.
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Sources and Solutions

Course Description: Do you interact with people who exhibit passive-aggressive behavior? View this video to learn about why people behave this way and gain strategies and tips about how you can deal with them. While the training was developed for Library staff, it is applicable to anyone.
Course Facilitator: Carrie Rogers-Whitehead, LibraryWorks
Course Duration: 1 hour
Course Resources: Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Sources and Solutions slides
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
Hope, Optimism, and Connection: Resilient Pathways through Crisis

Course Description: Join psychologists Jan Stanley and Gloria Park in learning about Hope, Optimism, and Connection. In this course, you'll learn about hope theory, how to use hope to be more resilient, how to identify strategies to be optimistic in challenging times, and how to cultivate high-quality connections and relationships.
Course Facilitator: Jan Stanley and Gloria Park
Course Duration: 1 hour, 28 minutes - navigate to chapters by clicking the circle with lines icon in the lower left (and return to video by clicking the icon again).
Access the Recording: Click on the course thumbnail above or use this hyperlink to view.
Individual Work Planning

Series Description:
- Lesson 1: Introduction
- Overview of the external instructor, their system, and methods for work planning. (7:09 minutes).
- Lesson 2: Defining Productivity
- Instructor helps staff understand the definition of the components of productivity. (6:52 minutes).
- Lesson 3: The Reality and the Results
- Instructor covers the research on planning, productivity, engagement, balance, and likelihood to stay with an organization. (3:45 minutes).
- Lesson 4: Blueprint
- Instructor introduces the first component of work planning – the blueprint – to know where you are going. (8:53 minutes).
- Lesson 5: Building Blocks
- Instructor reviews the building blocks template for planning project tasks associated with the blueprint created with Lesson 4. (13:23 minutes).
- Lesson 6: Weekly Planning Methodology Overview
- Instructor introduces the five steps associated with the work planning methodology. Each step is covered independently in the following videos. (7:06 minutes).
- Lesson 7: Weekly Planning, Step 1
- Instructor reviews how to cross off time where you have meetings and commitments. (4:36 minutes).
- Lesson 8: Weekly Planning, Step 2
- Instructor reviews how to calculate available time for getting things done. (8:11 minutes).
- Lesson 9: Weekly Planning, Step 3
- Instructor reviews how to brain dump all action items (career and whole life). (4:56 minutes).
- Lesson 10: Weekly Planning, Step 4
- Instructor reviews how to categorize your tasks in your blueprint. (4:04 minutes).
- Lesson 11: Weekly Planning, Step 5
- Instructor reviews documentation, in your calendar and/or planner, knowing your productivity zones, and communicating your plan for accountability. (18:17 minutes).
- Lesson 12: Weekly Planning Practice
- Instructor reviews how to use the brain dump (Lesson 9) to practice the planning methodology. Do NOT skip this step. (10:23 minutes).
- Lesson 13: Conclusion and Next Steps
- Instructor reviews the action items coming out of this training series. (2:26 minutes).
Course Facilitator: Nina Ferraro, Boldly & Co.
Course Resources
Start Here - Work Planning Workbooks:
- Individual Work Planning Guide - Employee Workbook
- Individual Work Planning Guide - Supervisor Workbook
Resources Referenced in the Guidebooks & Videos:
Access the Recordings: Click on the hyperlinked lesson names under the "Series Description" header or the Lesson Headings in the guide workbooks.
Team Work Planning

- Lesson 1: Team Work Planning
- This session is intended for Supervisors and Team Leaders who need to collect and monitor a number of individual work plans on behalf of a team. Instructor provides an overview of the Team Work Planning template. This template and video builds on the Individual Work Planning materials. Please review the Individual Work Planning lessons before proceeding through this lesson. (18:50 minutes).
Course Resource
Access the Recordings: Click on the hyperlinked lesson name or the thumbnail above.