Drug Free Workplace and Testing Requirements
Requirements for All Employees
All employees are prohibited from:
- Reporting for duty or remaining on the job when their assigned responsibility is adversely affected by alcohol or when their blood alcohol concentration is 0.04 or greater
- Possessing or using alcohol while on the job.
- Using alcohol during the hours that they are receiving stand-by pay.
- Operating a City vehicle while the employee possesses alcohol, unless the alcohol is being transported on City business.
- Returning to work or remaining on the job if an alcohol test measures a blood alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater, unless they have successfully passed a return to duty test.
Drugs and Controlled Substances
All employees are prohibited from:
- Reporting for work or remaining on the job when using or under the influence of any drugs/controlled substance, except when the use is pursuant to the instructions of a physician who has advised the employee that the substance does not adversely affect the employee’s ability to safely perform their job duties.
- Reporting for work or remaining on the job if they test positive for drugs/controlled substances. They are prohibited from returning to work until they have successfully passed a return to duty test.
- Engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale or attempted sale, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of alcohol, drugs/controlled substance, or drug paraphernalia in the workplace.
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Employees who refuse to submit to a reasonable suspicion test will be treated as though they have a positive alcohol and/or drug test. Refusal to complete and sign the Breath Alcohol Testing Form, to provide breath, or to provide an adequate amount of breath is considered a refusal test. Not cooperating with the testing process in a way that prevents the completion of the test is considered a refusal to test.
Employees are also prohibited from obstructing or interfering with the administration of any alcohol or drug/controlled substances test. If an employee obstructs or interferes with a supervisor, drug test collection vendor, or coworker, they are subject to discipline up to and including discharge.
Maintaining Qualifications and Licenses
Employees are required to maintain the appropriate qualifications for the performance of all assigned job duties. For example, if a position requires a driver’s license Or CDL. They are required to report any loss or change in the status of any required qualifications.
Access to City-owned property
Employees are required, if reasonable suspicion exists, to provide access to City-owned vehicles, tool boxes, lockers, desks, and/or other City equipment.
Legal drugs, controlled substances, and medications
Employees are required to notify their supervisor if they are using a medication or drug that may adversely affect their ability to perform their job. This includes legally prescribed drugs and non‑prescription drugs/ controlled substances.
Additional Requirements for CDL Holders
Employees who hold a CDL have additional requirements. They must also follow the requirements for all employees.
CDL holders are prohibited from:
- Using alcohol within four (4) hours of reporting for work. Employees are cautioned that refraining from alcohol for four (4) hours before reporting for duty may not result in a negative test.
- Performing safety-sensitive functions for 24 hours after an alcohol test result indicating an alcohol concentration of greater than 0.001 but less than 0.04. CDL holders may be subject to discipline for this violation. The City may or may not assign the employee to non-safety sensitive work if it is available.
- Possessing or using medication containing alcohol while on the job. CDL holders that test positive for alcohol will be removed from their position, and be subject to provisions of the policy, even if the reason for the positive alcohol test is the fact that the employee’s prescription medication contains alcohol.
Drugs and Controlled Substances
CDL holders are prohibited from:
- Reporting for work, remaining on the job, and/or performing any safety-sensitive functions after a positive test for drugs/ controlled substances.
- Refusing to submit to a pre-employment, post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion, return-to-duty, or follow-up drug test.
CDL holders must immediately report to their supervisor if they are taking any legally prescribed medication or drug that contains any amount of alcohol, or that has a warning label indicating that mental functioning, motor skills, or judgment may be adversely affected by the use of this medication.
Reporting Arrests and/or Convictions
CDL holders must immediately report to their supervisors any:
- Arrest or conviction for operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs/controlled substances, or any combination thereof.
- Conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute.