Erosion Control Permit

An Erosion Control Permit is needed on any construction project that triggers one or more of the following:

  • Disturbing > 4,000 square feet of earth.
  • Filling or excavating > 400 cubic yards of material.
  • Laying/Repairing/Replacing > 300 linear feet of underground pipe.
  • Disturbing > 100 linear feet of road side ditch or drainage channel.
  • Constructing a new public or private road or access drive longer than 125 ft.
  • Adjacent an environmentally sensitive area.

Single family home landscaping projects typically do not require an Erosion Control permit unless one of the above items is triggered.

Projects that disturb more than 20,000 square feet, have > 6% slopes, or are adjacent an environmentally sensitive area require a full permit. Full permits require a site specific erosion control plan and weekly inspections to be submitted to our online portal.

Erosion Control Permit Fee Schedule
Permit TypeFee
Simplified Checklist Permit (less than 20,000 sf disturbed & no slopes over 6%)$100
Full Erosion Control Plan Base Fee$200
Full Erosion Control Plan Disturbance Fee$0.005 per square foot of disturbance

Permitting Process

  • Download and fill in the Erosion Control Permit Form. Send check via postal mail. Online payment is not available at this time.
  • Permit Review: Allow 5-7 working days to review Simplified Checklist permit applications. Projects that are subject to site plan approval from the Zoning Department may require additional review time. 
  • For projects that disturb more than 1 acre, the City will not issue the Erosion Control Permit until a copy of the approved DNR permit is provided. 
  • City will issue the Erosion Control Permit via email and copy all parties listed on the application. 

Inspection Process

Getting Started

  • Erosion & Sediment Control Measures are to be installed prior to any land disturbance activities.
  • Inspection reports shall accurately depict the site conditions and include photos.
  • It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide notice to EC permit applicant or as the permit applicant to adhere to MGO 37.11(4)(d). The permittee shall give two (2) working days' notice to the Administrative Authority (City of Madison Engineering) in advance of the start of any activity.  
  • A Professional Engineer currently licensed in the State of Wisconsin shall certify the initial installation and implementation of the measures shown on the approved erosion control plan. Documentation on the City's Installation Certification form shall be submitted to the administrative authority within one (1) week of the installation. 
  • Full permits require having an Authorized Erosion Control Inspector to perform and submit weekly and rainfall inspection through our online Citizen Access Portal.
    • The Authorized Inspector defaults to the permit applicant if none is listed on the permit application.
    • Additional Authorized Inspectors can be added at any time. This addition needs to be done manually by City Staff. To be added to a permit, send a request via email to Inspectors must have an existing account on our Citizen Access portal before they can be added.
    • How to create an online account and file an erosion control inspection report:

During Active Construction

Permit Closeout Process

  • Permit close out can be requested when 70% vegetation has been established.
  • Complete a Final Inspection report online with photos AND fill out and submit an Erosion Control Notice of Termination via email to
  • City staff will review your submission and if approved, set the permit to inactive to stall your reporting requirements. The assigned inspector will do a final inspection and follow up if anything additional is needed to close out the permit. 
  • Remove all site erosion controls that are no longer needed.
  • Check all street inlets to verify all inlet control bags have been removed. Property owners will be charged a removal fee for any forgotten inlet protection left in City infrastructure.
  • If the site also has a Stormwater Management Maintenance Agreement, it requires a stamped “as-built” plan of the Stormwater management measures at the completion of the project. Submit that to City Engineering when completed.
  • If the project is greater than 1 acre, provide a Notice of Termination directly to the WDNR to close out that permit. 

Contacting City Erosion Control Staff


Erosion Control Compliance Inspection Map

Related Materials, Resources

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