Developers & Contractors

Working with the City of Madison on public works projects can be detailed and complex, but we hope to make the steps easier for you as you consider working with the City or within the City on development and redevelopment.
First, know the difference between the Board of Public Works and a public works project:
A public works project from a contracting standpoint is project meeting a very specific set of criteria and limiting municipalities to specific actions under WI State Statue 66.0901. A public works project is essentially any project over $25K that impacts the publicly owned infrastructure that is in the Right of Way or impacts a public building (library, fire station, police station, etc.).
The Board of Public Works is the statutory agency that along with the Common Council authorizes and approves the ability to advertise, receive and award bids for public works contracts. It also holds public hearings relative to assessments for streets and storm sewer construction, and the board hears appeals from citizens and contractors relative to bids and special assessment notices.